Please help with this project

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Josh said:
Set up Linux on a VMware machine. Or download Apache and PHP for Windows.

actually, the above choice is mostly guided by the end target platform. if you plan to demo it in a Linux box, then VMWare + FC5 is a good option. However, if the platform choice is upto you, just take the time and configure the required software in Windows. There are always a few quirks, but that shouldnt stop you from figuring it out. Its preety basic actually.
megavan said:
okay i'll try going through it again :
Student side:
-Each of the students will have their own account.
-When they login, they'll be able to select from the subjects that they have (different users will have different subject choices depending on their current
-Once they select the subject, they'll be shown
(i) links to test papers they have yet to write (clicking on which they'll be taken to a new page with the questions and text fields for the answers) and (ii) test papers they have written already but not yet corrected (clicking on
which they'll be taken to a new page and informed about the pending evaluation of that paper) and also
(iii) papers written and corrected (clicking on which they'll be shown their grade and date of submission /correction etc)

Subject side:
-each of the subjects will have an account of its own.
-the professor for a particular subject will login to that subjects account.
-once inside they'll be shown
(i) the ID nos/ names of students whose papers are left to be corrected (newly submitted ones will be added to this list) clicking on which they'll be taken to a new page displaying the answer paper and a field for entering the marks / grade,
(ii) IDs / names of papers already corrected clickin on which they'l be shown the grade and dates of submission / correction and also
(iii) IDs/ names of students yet to submit their papers. They should be able to
send a reminder to these students

My current knowledge base which may be helpful for this : html, javascript, bit of asp, sql, c / c++, java from the top of my head

So where will the Q papers, answer papers, the grades etc be stored (a db i
guess but which one as i'm not aware of sql being able to do all this ) and how will they be retreived and also how will changes be reflected in each of the accounts.


ok finally got time to reply to the above:

analyzing your situation (a quick read through) it seems to me that a COMMON login system would be quite beneficial for you. You dont have to have multiple login pages and multiple data tables storing duplicate information while a single column depicting the role of the login can serve the same purpose.

some pointers from the top of my head:

- you said "professor for a particular subject will login to that subjects account". so that leads me to believe that a PROFESSOR for a subject is solely responsible for that subject and that subject can only be managed by that professor. IF my assumption is correct, then there are 2 possibilities. We either store the association in the user table (universal, both for students + professors + admins (future possibility.)) or in the subject table.

ok brb with more....
Actually the project topic's been changed to online assignment submission now (like the assignments you do as part of your B.E. course etc.) but I think the underlying system should remain pretty much the same.. But is there anything more I can add to this just to increase the scope and utility of the project. Cause right now, I think it's a bit on the simpler side :/
Are there apps which allow you to make flowcharts/block diagrams, etc. which can be integrated into a site i.e. allow visitors to use it from the site itself
For those familiar with software testing, what all would integration testing for an asp mysql based site as described above involve?
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