Please Suggest (Help Me To Choose) Aquaguard Water Purifier Model Between Two.

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Respected Forum Members and Experts,

After reading countless of Water Purifier thread as well as reading Knowledge Base Faq at company's respective website I stumble upon two models.

1. Aquaguard Enhance UV+ UF+

2. Aquasure Smart UV

Now my water resource is Municipal Water Supply which we used in our home from past 25 years and they labeled as Drinking Water - There is no bad taste or smell - no harsh substance or anything - No garbage or anything which is visible in normal eye.(Only when municipality do the maintenance works).

So according Aquagurad Website or leaflet, I don't need RO,RO+,TDS+ feature which needed Borewell / Tanker water.....Right ?

Now the question why I'm thinking getting purifier now - Every monsoon or Days when heavy rain we all member got stomach disorder including me...and need to recover we need to consume Norflox 400 & Metrozyl Compund.
Our doctor always prescribe to boil water before drinking.

If my selection is right, please let me know which model to go for ?

N.B: There is Aquaguard Service outlet just less than 1 Km from my home - Hopefully I'll get service and that is another point to choose this brand.
If you don't need fancy features and your water is good according to you ,Then choice will come down to storage tank requirement , renewal of service contract . You can also check other brands like Kent etc if you want to compare various models.
Get a model that uses UF (UltraFiltration). The UV part is unnecessary. The Pureit model mentioned above is an example of a UF water filter. Aquaguard don't seem to have any UF only models. UF models are incredibly reliable since there's no electronics or anything to go wrong, and easy to service since you just need to swap out a cartridge, and you can probably do that yourself.
Get the aquaguard Enhance UV UF model..I just bought a Kent Ace RO and this was my second choice.
Did a thorough market research and find UV Only water treatments to be a little inefficient.
If you think the water is clean and you just need to kill germs/bacteria then UV Only is fine.
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