Please suggest PHP books !

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Well I am in my final year of engineering and my project is based on PHP . I want to know any book that teaches full php syntax and what not . Please suggest fast.
To start learning, I found, the best - better than any book as it has live hands on in every chapter.
Its good for basics - syntax and other stuffs.
For advanced level "The Complete Reference PHP" covers almost all the topics.
#Scorpy : So what are u Planning to Do in PHP ?????
any concept u have ???
also search for phpacedemy in google BOMBAY IIT is taking care of things there ;)

Hop this helped u out :D
Its a webservice .. basically allows you to share files through the web interface so my friend who is a developer told me to use php . But now hes offline so I couldn't ask him about study materials . Thanks guys will look at all of those :D !
Talking about my personal experience. I learned PHP basics and syntax on W3Schools Online Web Tutorials which is more than enough to get started with. Then I started referring Complete PHP Reference which covers everything including database connectivity and other stuff. Later I started learning developing applications using CodeIgniter framework which is easy to learn. Now I am leaning towards Zend and CakePHP framework :)
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