Please suggest some games!

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Hello all,

i used to love gaming on my media 'little master' console and have been a gaming fan since. But due to financial constraints (and my parents scolding) couldnt buy any console or PC graphic card. So i have only gamed on my integrated S3 pro savage card on P4 in my college days. I was the biggest fan of Real Time Strategy games like Warcraft III (never played WOW), Age of Mythology, etc also loved GTA 3, GTA vice City, San Andreas, James Bond: Nightfire, NFS series, freedom fighters, etc.
Basically i like games with progression and a storyline and not some arcade slasher types. Been completely out of touch after college for the past 5 years or so.
But now i am in a position to afford a decent (by my standards) gaming machine. getting stuff from here and there looks like its going to be:
HD7770 or HD6670
4GB or 8GB ram 1600MHz

So please suggest me some games. I dont really care about resolution or eye-candy.
more concerned about the gameplay and the storyline.
Hi, not really related to your query, but if you are buying the system only for gaming then I would suggest get an i5 and use the savings to get a decent graphics card. Nothing beats the disappointment when your shiny new desktop can't play the latest games with butter smooth framerates.

Just my $0.02 :)

For storylines, nothing beats RPGs. Try Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Knights of the Old Republic I and II, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2. Then there are the huge world RPGs from Bethesda, Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas. These will require decent hardwire to run, but if you run them in all their glory, they become truly immersive worlds.
@guptavis you did not tell me you were building a gaming RIG, anyways I have the same suggestion as jc36lect3r and here is a RIG I can suggest --

Intel Core i5 3450 ~12500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance OR G.Skill RIPJAWS 4GB x2 1600MHz RAM ~3600/-
AMD HD7850 2GB / 7870 2GB ~16500/- OR 22500/-
Seasonic S12II 520W [but I think you already bought the S12II 430W so you are limited to the HD7850]

For games with good story --
RPG's -- The Witcher Saga, Dragon Age 1 [2 relatively is pure B.S., you can do a rerun of the Witcher 2 in the time], Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 [the best games by Obsidian], the Elder Scrolls SKYRIM, Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is also making a return. A few good action RPG's -- Darksiders series [not great graphics wise but engaging combat], Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and finally Bastion.

RTS's -- TOTAL WAR series, Company of Heroes the troika [CoH 2 comes Q1 2013 if THQ survives this year], World In Conflict [wish UBISOFT finishes this series], Dawn of War 2 and its successors; finally Sins of a Solar Empire series.

Action-Adventure [TPS / FPS] -- Splinter Cell series [if you love stealth play Chaos Theory, if you love run-n-gun then Conviction suits you], Max Payne series, Alan Wake, Spec Ops: The Line, GTA lineup.

There are more games to explore, many more these are some of my favourites and that is why I have recommended the same.

Happy gaming, Cheerio!
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^^ to add to what @ALPHA17 has to say:

RPGs: Mass effect series (an amazing space opera), Fable 1 and 2 (slightly casual RPG experience but good nonetheless), two worlds 2, elder scrolls:Oblivion, morrowind (if you dont mind the outdated graphics). Oblivion is actually based on the same skyrim engine, but came out like 5 years ago, so wont have great lighting effects and all, but a very good game or so I have heard, fallout 3 etc. Can bioshock be considered an FPS RPG?

RTS: Age of empires 3, if you have not played it

FPS: Battlefield bad company 2, battlefield 3, call of duty modern warfare, MW2, MW3, black ops, world at war

TPS: Pretty much what alpha17 has said, but please dont miss the prince of persia series (POP sands of time, warrior within, and two towers, forgotten sands).. POP 4 was utter crap... Splinter cell series (you wont find the first game anywhere, but chaos theory onwards are available and awesome), Hitman series, Gears of War
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If you want RPG games, I say GTA is the best one I could recommend. Most versions of GTA hasn't let me down yet. Diablo 3 is also another great one. It's very addicting tho lol.

For FPS games, I say Battle field 3. First PC game that actually surprised me.
Hi, not really related to your query, but if you are buying the system only for gaming then I would suggest get an i5 and use the savings to get a decent graphics card. Nothing beats the disappointment when your shiny new desktop can't play the latest games with butter smooth framerates.
Thanks jc36lect3r, if i were buying new i would have gone that way but im getting the processor from a friend, details under...
btw is your name 'jceblecter' been out of touch with 1337 5p34k for quite some time ;P

guptavis you did not tell me you were building a gaming RIG, anyways I have the same suggestion as jc36lect3r and here is a RIG I can suggest --

Intel Core i5 3450 ~12500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance OR G.Skill RIPJAWS 4GB x2 1600MHz RAM ~3600/-
AMD HD7850 2GB / 7870 2GB ~16500/- OR 22500/-
Seasonic S12II 520W [but I think you already bought the S12II 430W so you are limited to the HD7850]
If i was looking to buy a new rig i would come straight to you but this just happened through a series of complex events. Read below.

@all: Thanks for all the suggestions guys, am looking forward to go all guns blazing into atleast some of these. Might not get too much time, i do have a job, IAS mains paper and other family responsibilities to take care of... miss the good old college days of 8-10 hours gaming... hhhhmmmm....
Also, its not a rule but i generally like games that are mystical, mythical etc.. i mean to say spells, amulets, god powers over guns, tanks, planes etc.

Also i know of the general places but if someone can PM me a 'place' where to get these. a 'place' specialising in game releases maybe? A few that i knew of are now defunct.

For those who are interested, here is the story behind this Mad brew of hardware.

As stated in my first post, i used to be a gaming freak during college. (it may or may not be a reason of my getting a second division degree)
after that due to various reasons couldnt game for lack of good hardware. had only a feeble AMD sempron system and had basically thought my gaming days had up.

But a few months ago i paid a visit to a friend's place. He is a rich guy but not much knowledgeable about computers (i confess i dodnt know much either). He is the kind who brags ' i have an i7 & 2TB hard disk' and would have no idea of what is a RAM or motherboard! :P
He was bragging that he got a 'Rs 12000 ka graphic card'. He said he'll show me what it can do and booted the computer, 5 minutes later my jaw really dropped to the ground! He ran Diablo3 and a few other games in high definition and i could not believe my eyes. The old days came back to me and i asked him more about his graphic card. It came as no surprise to me that all he knew was 'its imported Rs12000 ka graphic card'.
I opened his computer and had a look at it. It read ' Asus HD7770'. I made up my mind that i was getting the same immediately.
I came home and searched all over. found the cheapest HD7770 for ~Rs 9700. Ordered it.
But when it came i realised that it needed a power connector which was not there on my PSU. Then i read a little and thought i should get a new PSU. But then i read more and realised that my whole system would be a MAJOR bottleneck and the card wouldnt be able to do much. So i was going to have to buy a whole new computer which involved a lot of finances which were already drained after the 10k spent on the HD7770. So saved up and read up on every thread here. Am an AMD 'fanboy' but reading the plethora of reviews and bechmarks decided on going the sandy or ivy bridge way.
But still could not hope to gather the insane amount required to get the proc+mobo+PSU+more RAM.
A few days ago the same friend said that he wanted to upgrade to '3rd gen i7'. I made a deal with him to buy his old i7 processor (about 8 month old) for ~10-12k (which turned out to be the i7-2600).
So i am gonna get that processor when he gets his 3rd gen i7 in a couple of days. pairing it with GA-B75M-D3H and 4 or 8gb ram and already ordered and recieved S12II 430W. This has broken the bank though. finding it difficult to fund the processor and mobo, so may sell the 7770 if i can and get a second hand cheap card for now and upgrade later.
No, I am not that guy. I need to do something about this username :|

I get the scene now. Don't worry, it will run all the games, albeit some will run with lowered detail. That processor will last you for at least 3-4 years before you need to replace it, it's good one.

Spells and swords, well, there's Warcraft III, still going strong. It's a strategy, but the story and settings still beats any recent RPG games of today. Apart from the ones mentioned above there's Darksiders 1 and 2, Jade Empire, Witcher 1 and 2, Fable, Diablo 1 and 2, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and many more.
Thanks jc36lect3r, if i were buying new i would have gone that way but im getting the processor from a friend, details under...
btw is your name 'jceblecter' been out of touch with 1337 5p34k for quite some time ;P

If i was looking to buy a new rig i would come straight to you but this just happened through a series of complex events. Read below.

@all: Thanks for all the suggestions guys, am looking forward to go all guns blazing into atleast some of these. Might not get too much time, i do have a job, IAS mains paper and other family responsibilities to take care of... miss the good old college days of 8-10 hours gaming... hhhhmmmm....
Also, its not a rule but i generally like games that are mystical, mythical etc.. i mean to say spells, amulets, god powers over guns, tanks, planes etc.

Also i know of the general places but if someone can PM me a 'place' where to get these. a 'place' specialising in game releases maybe? A few that i knew of are now defunct.
You said you have a 'job'. Why don't you use some money to buy original games instead of asking for 'places' to get them? I intend no offense, but it really hurts me to see people not buying their games. Games are really cheap these days. Go to,, Look for steam sales. Create an account on Origin and check out their 50% off sales on, like, 42 games....
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