Please Suggest some Good Cartoons

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2 Stupid Dogs, Johhny Bravo, PPG, Dexter, and pretty much anything from the 1995-2000 Cartoon Network era.

Though if its for the nephew, anything on today's CN is good enough for kids.
hmm, dont know what kids of these days love, but i grew up watching Tom and Jerry, Swat Cats, Power Rangers, Duck Tales, Alladin, Tele Spin, Mongli. speed racer And honestly till date i love those cartoons. I see these action, samurai , weird Japanese cartons full of weird creatures and robots fighting each other and i dont like it including DBZ ( no offense, not my taste )
The one i listed are classic cartoons. If kids watch it I guarantee they will love it.

u said it man!! i know how it feels to see also those weird jap cartoons on tv!!

but some of the robot cartoons like...gaiking...grandizer etc which used to some on star plus before were also very good...
the power zone stuff on cartoon network was also awesome!! space ghost..galaxy trio...herculoids etc... then there were wacky races...touche turtle...wally gator...
also he-man n centurions...just too many to name!! i want the cartoon network from abt 10 yrs back :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
Params7 said:
2 Stupid Dogs, Johhny Bravo, PPG, Dexter, and pretty much anything from the 1995-2000 Cartoon Network era.

Though if its for the nephew, anything on today's CN is good enough for kids.

DUDE... 2 stupid dogs was the shizzle!:ohyeah:
TOM n' JERRY....period. :ohyeah:

Nothing comes close...:hap5:

If u want some serious adventurous stuff, then prolly TINTIN Adventures wud be good..

Finally if u feel the urge to beat someone black n blue, then prolly one cartoon serial will act as a booster...KOCHIKAME.....:rofl:

Watch it on hungama'll love it...:rofl: :rofl:


does anyone have these are divix????

Flame of Recca

Gradner Musashi

Real Adventures of Jonny Quest


Justice League
i really cannot take these japanese cartoons ...for starters they all look alike and all of them are shouting ,yelling or flying or giggling ... then loop back and more of the same ...argh!
kippu said:
i really cannot take these japanese cartoons ...for starters they all look alike and all of them are shouting ,yelling or flying or giggling ... then loop back and more of the same ...argh!

uve obviously seen the worst/stereotyped part of anime
Justice League
Check the screenie

nukey said:
and noone in their right minds wants dubs :innocent:

like u said tht no subs after episode 9 so how am i supposed to get it :P no choice but to rely on noble rippers :( and no use getting a tv tuner card PC is far from television i cant carry this bloat all the way to tv >.<
Wraith said:
but some of the robot cartoons like...gaiking...grandizer etc which used to some on star plus before were also very good...

That used to run monday-friday with different robot teams.. It was called Force Five or something.. The grandizer team used to air on Thursdays..

Boy I used to love it.. Looked everywhere but couldnt find them anywhere :(
i too agree with kippu tht the jap cartoons more or less look the same..and yeah they yell a kochikame..its the best example of a shouting, yelling stupid jap anime:lol:

They stand no chance in front of Tom n jerry, Ducktails, Talespin, alladin, tintin etc. :no:
Why you people resort to non-anime channels for watching animes is beyond me.

2 Stupid Dogs, Johhny Bravo, PPG, Dexter, and pretty much anything from the 1995-2000 Cartoon Network era

Absolutely right. CN was amazing back when I started watching it in 1995.

Also, today was the episode in DBZ where Vegeta goes "It's over 9000".:D
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