PC Peripherals pls help, having issues with starting the system


hi friends,

just bought the system 2 days back and i have lots of issues with it.. having hard time getting adjusted with the new system..

1. Sometimes when i start the system.. it get stuck at the screen where it shows the motherboard name and number in full screen.. showing 2 options--> DEL to enter bios and tab to do something else.. sometimes it just goes to next stage saying Checking NRAM... and then boots to windows without me pressing anything.. but other times it gets stuck at that motherboard name display screen and i have to restart it again

other way i am working around this is when it shows the 2 options.. i press DEL and then enter bios and then just quit immediately by discarding changes.. and then it boots to windows, but still at time even this don't help.. and it just gets stuck without going to windows and i have to restart couple of times to get it to windows
2. if i turn on the LCD screen before starting the CPU.. then the display never shows, it just blinks.. it seems like i have to first turn the CPU and then LCD and only then it is working.. is it the same with everyone else?
i am using the default cabinet SMPS 400W by Zebronics..

i don't understand if it the problem is with SMPS or Motherboard or Hard Disk

pls help..
The Sorcerer said:

Anyways we can try to troubleshoot. But you didnt even bother to give the complete configuration >_>

sorry for that.. forgot to mention it

this is the config:

AMD Phenom 2 X4 940 3.0 Ghz

Asus M4A78-E Motherboard


Samsung DVD Writer

400 W Zebronics SMPS

Zebronics Bijli Cabinet

500va/300w APC Backup UPS
Try updating bios. I think "tab" is to load default bios settings most probably.

BTW, I seriously recommend getting a getting a safer psu. It doubt it is related to the issue, but going for a good psu helps a long way. The hardware warranty get voided incase of burn. Prevention is always better than cure.
The Sorcerer said:
Try updating bios. I think "tab" is to load default bios settings most probably.
BTW, I seriously recommend getting a getting a safer psu. It doubt it is related to the issue, but going for a good psu helps a long way. The hardware warranty get voided incase of burn. Prevention is always better than cure.

i don't know how to update bios.. i agree about the psu, i will get the new PSU as soon as possible..

i am thinking of buying a CORSAIR VX450W PSU and APC 650va UPS.. i hope these two work together, or should i buy a 750va UPS which is going to cost me a lot more :(
Refer to your motherboard manual for bios flash or else you will get an updated online manual from the asus' site. As for point #2- yes. If there's nothing to display it will go on standby.

I am not sure about UPS since I dont need to use one here. Corsair vx450 goes a long way. Take a look at cm real power 460w
The Sorcerer said:
Try updating bios. I think "tab" is to load default bios settings most probably.
BTW, I seriously recommend getting a getting a safer psu. It doubt it is related to the issue, but going for a good psu helps a long way. The hardware warranty get voided incase of burn. Prevention is always better than cure.

but it is a new mobo rite, which is coming with a new bios..so y shud he update his bios..:S...

and some people says it is risk 2 upgrade bios...it may corrupt ur mobo..if u dont hav propr pwr bakup...is that true...:huh:
kalla_maakri said:
but it is a new mobo rite, which is coming with a new bios..so y shud he update his bios..:S...

It is a new mobo- which is one of the reasons why I am telling to update bios. Most likely he is using factory bios. If you here from here ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Support-

If you check the bios history, check the notes under Bios version 1006 and I quote:

Fix the issue that the system may hang at the time of entering OS when use certain CPU with C1E enabled in bios.

Sound familiar??? Its the same issue that the OP is facing.

kalla_maakri said:
and some people says it is risk 2 upgrade bios...it may corrupt ur mobo..if u dont hav propr pwr bakup...is that true...:huh:

Isnt that the point that I told him to refer to the manual? Relevant disclaimer and proper instructions are given on the manual. Its upto the user to follow every point clearly. If people cant follow the instructions which is written clearly in simple english, the board, bios, electricity board, etc. is not to be blamed- but the user who has a tendency to ignore it. Its not rocket science to update BIOS, just read the manual and follow the instructions EXACTLY how its said.
^ well said m8.

@OP: Read throughly, get ur doubts cleared up here, and go full speed ahead :D

Most mobo's come with a standard version of BIOS when shipped, whereas manufacturers create newer versions of BIOS often and post it on their websites. Best to update if u see a known relevant issue fixed as in this case.
Check that hard disk also. I had exactly same issue with the same WD 1 TB drive, where the system gets stuck in the initial POST screen. In my case it was a failing hard disk and it was unable to detect the hard disk. At first after a few restarts it would start working but later it fully stopped working.

Also in the startup screen does it show any error codes or anything?
The Sorcerer said:
Most likely he is using factory bios. If you here from here ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Support-

If you check the bios history, check the notes under Bios version 1006 and I quote:

thanx Sorcerer..u cleared my doubt...:cool2:

nd varkey : in your case..u might hav got an error msg like.."unable 2 find a disk"or some other error msg relatd 2 dat...but here he dint get ny error msg... i think sorcerer soultion is much suitable...
varkey said:
Check that hard disk also. I had exactly same issue with the same WD 1 TB drive, where the system gets stuck in the initial POST screen. In my case it was a failing hard disk and it was unable to detect the hard disk. At first after a few restarts it would start working but later it fully stopped working.

Also in the startup screen does it show any error codes or anything?
oh! in that case i better not put any important data into the hard disk..
and i am not getting any errors, it just stops where it shows the motherboard number and name..( the big fullscreen Asus name in green background..) also when i touch the HDD i can feel it is working, but no red light on cabinet.. :(

@The scorcerer and @Axeman: i will go through the bios manual and try updating the bios if the problem still persists after buying a Cosair VX450 PSU and APC 1 KW UPS.. Thanks for the suggestions :)
i updated the bios to 1006 version file.. then i restarted the system and it gave me few options like

Alt + F2 to enter EZ Flash 2 utility
F1 to enter the bios setup
F2 to load default settings

i pressed F2 and it passed the motherboard splash screen at first and entered the OS, for a while everything was fine..but later when i shutdown the system and started it again.. the entire screen was blank and nothing was displayed, it didn't even boot..:S
it doesn't even give me the options to enter bios or doesn't show any motherboard splash screen.. :no: totally stuck, the system was not restarting even after pressing the frontpanel reset button..:( tired many more times and in vain :mad:

the only way i can get out of this situation is by clearing the cmos.. which i did but again i got the same options as before with F2 to load default settings and all..
but this time i pressed F1 and entered bios setup and set the time and date and also reset to default settings and saved.. but still it gets stuck, i can't get past this stage.. the whole process repeats again :annoyed:

checked the RAM in other computer and its fine..

what might be the problem? should i RMA my motherboard? if so, does anybody know the procedure..:help:
maybe its a motherboard problem..why don't you try using another motherboard on the same config to see if it gives the same issue ? if it does then it could be the hdd, if not then its the motherboad, or you could use the motherboard on another config to see if it still gives u the same issue
While flashing bios, do a person needs to flash all the higher versions available or just the final one...

Example - Presently i have 1102 on p6t deluxe and the highest version available is 1605. Do i need to flash all the versions in between 2?
chasni_chasni said:
While flashing bios, do a person needs to flash all the higher versions available or just the final one...
Example - Presently i have 1102 on p6t deluxe and the highest version available is 1605. Do i need to flash all the versions in between 2?
NO! you can directly skip to the highest version available.. i read that in the manual:)

solution: updated the bios once again and this time i manually changed all the settings.. after giving the reset default settings :D

Floppy diskette was enabled in main screen in default setting >> i disabled it since i had no floppy drive ;)

Disabled Cool and Quiet option

also changed first boot priority to HDD and disabled everything else..

now it works perfect!! :yahoo: :beer:

:thanks!: to all the techenclave friends who tried to help me out.. :holiday: Party Time!!