Plz help me, for life, Have some Questions regarding MCA n MBA

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ANP !!!

PLZ srry for talking ur time, but plz do read every bit of this page.

Ok guys, its like m getting wht ever i want in my life, but m a lil worried about my Life, m a BBA student, the College in which m studing S**ks big time, it has no standards of itself, the college changes its affiliate head college every 2 years :@ :@ :@ , Last year it was some Manipal University, n this year its some NEHU (North Eastern Hill university), n 2 more before that

But wht made me extremely mad was, the F**king college doesnt know when does NEHU (the new affiliate) usually takes the final exams :@ :@ , i mean wtf !!! **&%^*&^*() :eek: :eek: its this few months ago, the college informed that the Final exams are going to be in Mid-May or June, then on 12th Feb the Dean calls up a Conference saying ur Final exams starts from 17th Feb with full 100% course, i mean WTF its just impossible to complete everything in that short time, n the main part is that when the annoucement was made, the college only happenned to finish 40% of the course explained to us :(, n 60% of the course in almost all main subjects was left un touched, :@ :S :S :clap: ,

so i was just thinking of Starting my Practice in Animations in a Mumbai Based Institute which just started its branch in Surat, its a good institute according to my friend who just did it in Mumbai from them

But i always wanted to do MCA or MBA , n just today had a chat with our friendly Doc (Medpal) who suggested me to start preparing for entrance exam for MCA or MBA, thru those Private institutes for pre-MBA training, but i dont have any BBA or BCA results or any bachalor degree, so can i just join such private institute on 12th Basis n then try for entrance exams for MBA or MCA ?

Can u all just advise me wht all courses to do before applying for MBA or MCA entrance ? n wht all things i should do before n after the Entrance, n how much time does it takes n all those things that u think i should be knowing before i start my training..

THx for reading
PLZ guys, help me :( m extremely worried..

Abhishek :)
U can join any couching institute for mba/mca, all they want is money. But then u cant get admission into any MBA course on basis of class 12. Minimum req is 12+3 years. So somehow u need to get a RECOGNISED graduation degree.
p_sam21 said:
U can join any couching institute for mba/mca, all they want is money. But then u cant get admission into any MBA course on basis of class 12. Minimum req is 12+3 years. So somehow u need to get a RECOGNISED graduation degree.

So if i Complete those major courses in couching institute for MBA or MCA, n have 3 yrs of Job experience, will it do then ??

@nVbeast: She is out of station for a few days, didnt had a chance to meet her, but i will somehow get the address n name of the institute from her tomo .. n let u know for sure
No work exp does not substitute 12+3 years. Work exp can only help u as added advantage. U MUST complete graduation.

And remember coaching institues are just like street corner tution sir which helped u in school days. It has ABSOLUTELY no officially recognised significance.
p_sam21 said:
No work exp does not substitute 12+3 years. Work exp can only help u as added advantage. U MUST complete graduation.

And remember coaching institues are just like street corner tution sir which helped u in school days. It has ABSOLUTELY no officially recognised significance.

Well i think there are those reputated institutes that have names,,, like PT, etc etc.
ANP, I'm also a BBS student and I think for people like us (BBA/BBS/BMS) the natural next step is an MBA. So good to know that you're looking in the right direction.

But do note that for all the competitive examinations like CAT, XAT,etc, it is mandatory to have done graduation and that too from a AICTE recognized university (I remember couple of my friend from RAI Univ. crying coz' they were ineligible!). Would your institute come under AICTE-recognition?
your in second year BBA?? if so .. u have 1 year b4 u graduate. so u could very well start preps now..and finish of with all your entrance eggjams in november/dec/jan and then finish ur BBA, get your graduation degree.

if u score well in your entrance then you have a chance to do your mba right after your degree, which is also not a bad thing..

and work experience doesnt mean any kinda work experience, it needs to be @ the managerial level to count or else you would be as good as a fresher.

so if your serious about your mba, start your preps asap.
Brother, to put it matter of factly, you cannot do any pg course from a recognized (ugc, aicte) college or university unless you have a bachelor's degree.. i guess, it was a mistake on ur part to enrol for tht college which changes its affiliations time n again..its always better to play safe with graduation and enrol for a ugc recognized university so tht atleast you can apply anywhr in the country/world for a pg course...

i guess, more than concentrating on getting coaching for MBA?MCA now, u shud concentrate on getting a recognized bachelor's degree..its never too late, if you are vary of going to college again, you can enroll for some bachelor's degree thru distance education of a UGC recognized university.. u can also try open universities like IGNOU, YCMOU etc. These are UGC recognized...

No amount of work experience is going to replace the minimum eligibilty criteria for pg, n tht is graduation..;)

Had you done some technical diploma course then along with work experience, you cud have applied for IGNOU mba programme...but as far as i know, this facility is not available in any other regular mba college..
Ok thx guys for all the time

so i will check out if the institute is AICTE recognized,

n get wht ever help i can get from them

i almost got my 70% of my Questions answered here from u guys :D.. u all guys rock

thx for every bit of help :D :) ;) :P
@abhi :

like we had discussions yesterday

your first priority is to get a grad degree (which you are doing right now, i did not know that seventh day is changing affiliations).

Secondly you need to focus your attention to vision or dream you have for your self (means you need to decide your path of progress post college)

Like i said yesterday if you have definite interest and heart for art and imagination you can opt for a career in Animation. (you need to research a lot about the institutes available, opportunities abailable and then follow the path)

then comes MCA. for that you need to have one bachelors degree first. thereafter you need to take entrance exams at gujarat level and at also national level if the college or institute requires. (job prospect for MCAs are right now extremely good provided you are good at your speciality subjject, institute from where you studied is good, and you are hard working)

Then come MBA : as you are doing BBA, you are hoping that MBA is the natural way of progression. But according to what i know, what i came to know from my friends who did BBA, it does not prepare you for MBA by any means. BBA is just a bachelors degree with a different set of subjects than routine commerce graduation which has some subjects stressing of marking and organization. If you need to to MBA, you have to do it from a very reputed institure otherwise you are not gonna get good jobs because of availability of a lot of aspirants with MBA degree in their hand.

Especially grads of BBA / BCom / B Sc are at disadvantage to Enginnering degree holders, because now a days companies hiring managers would prefer them having double speciality degrees so that they can milk them to the full.
Now thirdly comes the preapration part :

As you decide your further mode of action you can always go to the market and research about the institute which provide coaching for those entrance exams. IMO you can just join one institute or coaching class and relax, i think you need to gather material from multiple classes and then correlate them.

so what to take Animation / MCA / MBA is your call.

after you decide how to approach there are many experienced fellows here who can help you. :D

dream on
^^ Good points Doc.

Would just like to clarify one thing : The subjects and the studies in an MBA are upto 70% similar to a BBA course.
They are similar yes, but the grooming is way diff. The professors are way different, if you ask me I had done a BAchelors in mgmt studies, its a total waste course. which teaches a little about all irrelevant subjects.
I must first say that the post made by Medpal above is simply too good. Am adding a bit here and there to what he has said citing his quotations.

medpal said:
your first priority is to get a grad degree (which you are doing right now, i did not know that seventh day is changing affiliations).
A graduation is a must for PG courses. Wouldnt be any point in calling them Post Graduation if graduation wasnt a must:P

Secondly you need to focus your attention to vision or dream you have for your self (means you need to decide your path of progress post college)
Another excellent point.
Unless you are clear about what you want to do ahead of BBA or what it is exactly you want to do as a job, atleast a vague vision, you cannot choose what you have to do next. It is very important that you think over what you wish to do.

MBA and MCA are two totally different post graduation degrees. While one deals in Business Administration and Management the other deals with computers, which happen to be two opposite streams.

Thus, before you proceed, it is highly important that you decide what you wish to do.

Like i said yesterday if you have definite interest and heart for art and imagination you can opt for a career in Animation. (you need to research a lot about the institutes available, opportunities abailable and then follow the path)
A nice suggestion, but one drawback...Apart from an interest and heart for art, you need to have the aptitude for the same. I am not sure what conversation you had with doc, but just openly suggesting some things to you.

You will have to research on institutes irrespective of what course you plan to do in the future.

then comes MCA. for that you need to have one bachelors degree first. thereafter you need to take entrance exams at gujarat level and at also national level if the college or institute requires. (job prospect for MCAs are right now extremely good provided you are good at your speciality subjject, institute from where you studied is good, and you are hard working)
Hmm...lemme clear a few things here.
1. MCA from different institutions require different graduation criterion.
2. IIT's and the likes accept only engg degrees. So, I guess you cant get into most of the institutes as you are doing BBA.
3. Most MCA institutes require you to have Math at graduation level. Apart from this, Math and Science in 12th is a must at most places.
4. MCA isnt quite easy. You need to have a nack for computer subjects. Knowledge about hardware will help you, but MCA has more of a software orientation along with programming, so you need to know programming and understand logic well.
5. Its best as doc said to do any course from a good institute which is affiliated to a University recognized by AICTE. You need to maintain a good percentage for getting good placements after your post graduation.
6. Most MCA courses require you to have about 55% or more at graduation level.
7. Each college or institute has different entrance exams now. So you need to decide which ones to appear as the forms dont quite come cheap. Same is the case with MBA.

Then come MBA : as you are doing BBA, you are hoping that MBA is the natural way of progression. But according to what i know, what i came to know from my friends who did BBA, it does not prepare you for MBA by any means. BBA is just a bachelors degree with a different set of subjects than routine commerce graduation which has some subjects stressing of marking and organization. If you need to to MBA, you have to do it from a very reputed institure otherwise you are not gonna get good jobs because of availability of a lot of aspirants with MBA degree in their hand.
I tend to agree to the part of BBA and then MBA though I seriously donot think that a Grad level course will orient you towards what you will be doing in MBA. Again, you need to do MBA from a good institute. There are lots of students who come out after MBA.
You need to be well prepared not only for the entrance exam but also for the strict and thorough interview which takes place after that along with GD.

Especially grads of BBA / BCom / B Sc are at disadvantage to Enginnering degree holders, because now a days companies hiring managers would prefer them having double speciality degrees so that they can milk them to the full.
This too is a great point. However, Engineers who have experience before doing MBA are prefered. Also, if you are doing MBA from a reputed institute and have a good percentage, companies will pick you up easily. There are a lot many job opportunities, its just that your performance is what matters.

Now thirdly comes the preapration part :
As you decide your further mode of action you can always go to the market and research about the institute which provide coaching for those entrance exams. IMO you can just join one institute or coaching class and relax, i think you need to gather material from multiple classes and then correlate them.
MBA/MCA whatever you do, unless you are extremely good in the subjects, you will require coaching. Its more about how to sit for interviews and the GD which matters more incase of MBA. Written tests are not that easy, but if you work hard you can get a good percentile and get into good institutes.

In the end, I would like to add that you first decide what you wish to persue before you go in for MBA/MCA/Animation. It is highly important that you take up something which you like and enjoy rather than going in for what the masses go in for. However, you have to be very clear in what job profile you wish to work in. It is only once you decide what you wish to be, can the alternatives or the paths to achieve that profile be ascertained.

PS: I am doing MCA atm.:P
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