Plz suggest a 7 - 8 inch tablet

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Happy with Ainol

Congoz buddy. Let us knw wen u recieve it and take some time out for a mini review. :)

BTW wt do u have to say about this :
Cube MINI U30GT Tablet PC RK3066 7.0 Inch Android 4.0 8GB 1G RAM Win8 UI
ONDA V811 Dual Core Version Tablet PC Android 4.0 8 Inch IPS Screen 16GB HDMI Camera

Also any idea about i pad mini ?? :yahoo:

Well I bought a Crystal from them about a few days back and happy with the product so far. Since, I stay close to Vileparle and dropped into their office and picked the iyem for 7990/= + free hdmi cable. Happy with the deal so far as the item is not less than 125 USD anywhere.
Well I bought a Crystal from them about a few days back and happy with the product so far. Since, I stay close to Vileparle and dropped into their office and picked the iyem for 7990/= + free hdmi cable. Happy with the deal so far as the item is not less than 125 USD anywhere.

Cngrts buddy. a mini review will be grt :). Can u throw points over following :
1. any wifi signal issues ??
2. Screen quality and color reproduction.
3. Any lag in the OS ? and play store working fine ?
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