Other Plz suggest a case + screen guard for Motorola Moto G (2nd gen/2014)

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Hi all..

Friend needs to purchase a screen guard and a non flip case for Motorola Moto G, 2nd generation model.
There is the Nillkin tempered glass that i have suggested already, but it will be good to have some regular screenguard's suggestion as well.
Checked on Amazon.in as well as Fk, but the customer reviews proved to be useless for both the articles. Nothing concrete to finalize a decent option.

So pls fire away your suggestions, anything which has been tried and tested will surely help.

Thanks in advance. :)
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Had bought gadgetshieldz. I had bought full body film. Somehow it was not OK. Esp., the back, the original black cover has a nice matte/rubberized feel to it, this film made it "glossy".

Recently removed the front screen guard and went for a screen guard (non-premium, off-line store) for Rs. 100, fit well. As such with gorilla glass protection the screen gurad is not req'd., this was "just in case"...
This is what i liked - Tudia TPU for Moto G 2nd Gen

This is what the final decision was due to availability - Cruzerlite Bugdroid TPU for Moto G 2nd Gen
Superb case. It's just a TPU, and has upper and lower portions with reinforced material.
Gloss looked concerning in the pics, but in practical use.. a non issue. (Pic shown vis a vis the case back texture is misleading).

The edges do not wrap tightly on the case, maybe to absorb the shock if the phone lands on a hard surface?

This is the screen protector being used - Pear Screenguard
Not impressed with quality of scratch resistance. The screen guard is reg run of the mill types stuff, and within a day's usage had minor yet noticeable scratches popping up here and there. Doubt that it ll last 2-3 weeks.

went for a screen guard (non-premium, off-line store) for Rs. 100

Pricing (mentioned)

These will be helpful.
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Brand - already mentioned - gadgetshieldz - check it out on YouTube.
Pricing (mentioned) - actual price was ~550, got 100 off.
Verdict/impression - Already mentioned - I had bought full body film set. The back, the original black cover has a nice matte/rubberized feel to it, this film made it "glossy".
The front started peeling off at the top-speaker grille. ~2 weeks back, removed the front screen guard and went for a screen guard (non-premium, off-line store) for Rs. 100, fit well. As such with gorilla glass protection the screen guard is not req'd., this was "just in case"...

Thinking of buying a couple of cases now, as they will disappear in ~6 months time, as newer phones come in the market.
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