the shining(my recommendation.. more for the story than the horror)
contactram said:Can't believe nobody mentioned 'Saw'
arrow055 said:The most scary thing i ever watched was the tv series "khiley ka rahasya" i watched on doordarshan.
Private Ryan said:Lol..u got to be kidding me..geez, u found it scary?? Back then i was just like 7-8 yrs old or so..and all i remember is the music and the girl screaming as she falls to the ground...tht music was creepy, yes..but the rest was just okay..atleast from what i can recall..
I think its more to do with child psychology..what we fear in childhood, sometimes haunts us throughout our life..atleast the notion tht something creepy scared the living hell out of us when we were kids stays with us..forever..i remember, tht same feeling u are talking about came to me after watching RGV's 'Raat' when i was in 5-6th standard..we used to stay in an old victorian style bungalow then (my dad's chief engg in railways..)..the movie as well as the whole atmosphere of tht house had scared the **** out of me..i just cudnt gather the guts to go to the store room and the toilet at night..:no: to this day, i can relate to what i felt then..:no: :S
arrow055 said:28 days later,Thai movie "The Eye", phone,Nang Nak,Suicide Circle , itchi the killer,Don't Look Up(really scary),Fudoh,Organ, A tale of two sisters(not as scary but still a decent movie),Kansen,the fog,the thing