Pogoplug Pro - $29.95 - Approx. 2.75k shipped - Low power download box etc

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varkey said:
^ You mean JR.com right? :P But the price comes to $19.99 + NY tax. How come $18?

Yes buy did had it for $18 just for 1 hour , also Pogo has launched Pogoplug Series 4 for existing customers its around $50
It hate that horrible Pink colour! If anyone sees that on my desk, they'll think I am gay!

BTW, no offence intended to the LGBT community...
^ Ya, it is mentioned like that, but the recent stock from Buy.com seems to come with the Kirkwood processor with 256 MB RAM according to many members on Jeff Doozan and ArchLinux forums.

Also on the Buy.com product page it says

The Pogoplug Black unit has a faster processor than the original and older Pogoplug Pink unit.

Anyway lets wait and see, even I have ordered one for Rs 1961

OT : Did you use the live quote on ICC site? And have you received the order confirmation mail?

Edit : I got the order confirmation mail at 9:36 PM (the mail had gone to the Bulk folder
) #srbellare
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