nehaladsul said:Isn't this the same product for $ 27.99??
Link: - Pogoplug Personal Cloud, Media Sharing Solution - Black
Nope this one is POGO-P21 which lacks WiFi and internal SATA just like the pink POGO-B01. PRO is POGO-P01.
nehaladsul said:Isn't this the same product for $ 27.99??
Link: - Pogoplug Personal Cloud, Media Sharing Solution - Black
varkey said:^ You mean right? But the price comes to $19.99 + NY tax. How come $18?
tommy_vercetti said:Not working anymore
^ Still available from --
If you get it through their Friends with Benefits promotion, it will come to only $19.99 + tax in NY and free shipping.
Is this one also the PRO Version? I am kind of deciding between this and the Raspberry PI which also has HDMI out no SATA or WiFI though..
The Pogoplug Black unit has a faster processor than the original and older Pogoplug Pink unit.
Sold out..Pogoplug P21 - $22.99 -
Will come to about ~Rs 2000 after the ICC ShopAbroad Valentines Day Promo (SWEETHEART2012)
PS : The P21 seems to based on the Kirkwood family, has better support than the OXNAS family