Pointer remote for presentations etc

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I 'think' this is the correct thread to post this in. :)

So I need a good pointer/remote for running ppts during presentations and stuff. Any links/experiences with particular models/brands that people here can share/recommend?
The Logitech R800 is a really good one, but slightly costly. Do not own it, but its on my list since a long time. The cheaper R400 variant should also do.
@logistopath: The logitechs sound good :)

@Gaurish: Android will probably work, but some of the really good programs are paid, and I still need a BT receiver anyway (lappy doesnt have BT).

Since I need it for official stuff, might as well get a proper one so everyone in office can use it whenever required. Thats why a dedicated one is needed.
I've tried a couple of freeware bluetooth remote control applications for my symbian mobile. While there is inherently nothing wrong with the apps, the bluetooth was unreliable. Even when I try to walk about 5 ft away from the lappy, the mobile used to disconnect. I've not tried if control over Wifi is possible though there are such apps, 'coz I don't have a wifi enabled mobile. Even then, I doubt if the range would be good, and if the setup would be easy. For a person like me, who likes to keep moving from one end to the other end of the lecture hall, the Logitechs are the best bet.
I'm pretty sure there must be a wifi enabled app out there.

I use a wifi app (remoteDroid), that gives me access to a generic onscreen keyboard, mouse pointer/mouse buttons, when i'm lying in bed and too lazy to get to the keyboard :P
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