Port forwarding after Windows XP Pro reinstall prob.


MTNL Triband + TKD 318 EUI modem. Windows XP Pro was reinstalled. Same IP address for network connection.

If the same port number is specified in utorrent 1.6.1, it should not need any changes in the ADSL modem, right ? Port forwarding test fails now.

Tried everything, checked modem settings, used diff port number ...

Could the prob be with the Windows install ? Some setting or service not enabled ?
Port forwarding is strictly a modem / router function. I has nothing to do with windows.

To test simply disable firewall and then test. You will know where the problem lies.
dude, go to control panel>network>manage network>lan>properties, > in Ipv4 change the last 3 digits of IP address/ should be between 1 & 254/

Then go to your router settings and actibate DMZ, in that enter the new ip address( the one you changed in ipv4) save and close the router....

Now test the port, it should be open...

Worked for me... now my speed is over 300%...

for more info : http://portforward.com/