Audio Portable amplifier for $8.5 shipped to your house

^^^ The other billions can't afford its ridiculous pricing !!!

Anyways back on topic, please chill out guys. Not that I don't love seeing two people flame each other, but the mods may intervene.

Also a GO for these is practically useless. If you order more than 5 you get a $1 discount. But shipping these to other people will cost about 40 bucks (again $1).

And buying in bulk could attract custom duties. (Of course since the item is cheap there shouldn't be any duties but who can say there wont be any ?)

After reading a little about this amp, it seems it doesn't really improve the volume much but should be able to comfortably drive the Grado SR-60 which BTW are nice headphones.

And no you don't get double performance by spending double. But for audiophiles like Vandy even small improvements are significant. :)
Well jokes aside if you aren't an audiophile, then maybe you should really shut up AFA sound quality goes, because with your SR60 you aren't hearing much of that anyways. Its not about sentiments, its about tolerating fools, which I never do.

Whoever's talking about driving the HD650 with these?? In fact I want them as a matter of satisfying my curiosity as to their bang for buck. At 8 dollars they're either a superb deal, or a total waste of 8 bucks, that could be spent on hiring a couple of BR movies, or some chocolates :p

I wanna test em :eek:hyeah:

^^BF1983 tested the SR60 - useless, unless you can only spend 60$. The SR225s are the entry to audiophilia if you ask me. SR60 - uncontrolled, bright highs, no lower bass, weak mid bass. Of course IMO. And lol at this: The other billions can't afford its ridiculous pricing !!!
LOL I don't have SR60 :p

I use HD555 ( I know not audiophile again!)

>> Its not about sentiments, its about tolerating fools, which I never do.

Me too :p
Yeah I listened once to the SR-60 and did not come away impressed by their sound. Though I have these cheap headphones (Porta Pro2 PH-1000) and they sound really good for the money.

The have tight low bass (not bloated mid bass that my Crossroads have) and the mids are lovely. I got them cheap for 2000 bucks and honestly I never really felt the need to upgrade since I love the sound just the way it is. Another plus is that they are ridiculously easy to drive and can use them with my portable sources without any problems.