My 1TB Seagate Portable HDD jus sliped from my hand. And now its now working.
It seems the Mini usb port on the HDD has become loose.
Its not under Warrenty.
Rip open the case... connect it to a PC internally and copy all your data ... then buy an external casing and use it if it passes any of the HDD fitness tests.
Thats why its always safe to use a pouch for delicate items like HDDs. First remove the casing and check if the HDD is working. then buy a portable HDD case and install it. But i havent heard about cases suitable for laptop HDDs...
deposited my HDD to the ACCEL Care Centre, Saki naka opp post office.
the HDD had warrenty till 15 July 2015.. that was a surpricse to me..
they said they will check againt any physical damage .. and if approved .. they will replace the HDD.. but the entire data wil be gone ..
so hope for the best ...