Portable headphone under 5k?

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Hi guys, I need some suggestions for a portable headphone below Rs 5000. Usage will be mostly while travelling in a bus, so closed back is preferable. Deep bass with a slightly slow decay is also preferred, although don't want to go overboard with bass. The driver will be a smartphone for now. Thanks!
I doubt any headphone will give you sufficient isolation at that price.Apart from that try Sennheiser px-100 or 200 I don't remember.I demo'd either and was pretty impressed.
Ok, I made a list of the probable choices that are available locally.

Akg k518
Ath sj55
Ath ws55
Senheisser Hd 439
Senheisser Hd 449
Senheiser px 200 ii

The HDs are not portable, but the 449 comes with a carry pouch and they are easily available. The WS55 has a foldable model the WS55X, but sadly it's not available in India yet. Leaning towards the AKG, anyone has experience with it?
Updating since it might be of interest to somebody, I got the Sony MDR V55. The reviews were good and I was getting it for a very good price from Snapdeal, so settled on this. It is not over the ear, but it's ok for smallish ears. Other than it ticks all my checkboxes, foldable, single cable, L type joint, flat anti tangle wire, wire not too long and great sound. The only negative I found is that it leaks like a straw hat, so not very good for office use. For home use or for travelling in heavy traffic, it's pretty handy.

Thanks for your input guys!
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