Post Sites open for signup Thread

rajatgarewal said:
i installed check4change addon o mozilla for informing abt invitess......sad informed nothing...sad addon dont install

Dude...your signature is too large ,...... Its hamperimg this thread...
Please change..... the size sig to prescribed size 500x100....

raksrules said:
^^yes but you get a bakwas message when you click on that signup my post above

But if thats not the case then damn...i am in office and cannot open this site

Thats what you were too late....... You never know when exactly it is closed down after opening.....

I tried my luck for many failed..... But finally one day I was successfull.....
So better you keep on trying..... Keep signup link in your bookmark.... And hit it every other time........ And who knows Someday you will get Lucky as well...
