Post your CSS nicknames here

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tM.G | RaZer is the nick which i use in clan matches
but in pub i tend to use - Row1n or switchismybitch
hmmm.... so i now know what alias or fake identities the CT's use. memorising the nicks..will reserve them for "special" treatment in the game Stich i will first tap ur shoulder from behind while you are busy awping from near ur CT base ...then depending upon how you behave i will decide what mode to despatch you with ....just watch ur back ...OK??
Well... Dj i very rarely use AWP... I am more of a AK person... But i like AWP too... like using it against Vunami, Justin, Rave and few other SG people... They help in devloping skills... As they are the best of the lot... So if you see me camping with awp trust me one of the good ones will be on the opposite team... And trust me with them being there you will be too late reaching me :P...
I Will be using the nick - " D4RKY " as of now.If i decide to use something different, i will post accordingly.
Switch said:
Well... Dj i very rarely use AWP... I am more of a AK person... But i like AWP too... like using it against Vunami, Justin, Rave and few other SG people... They help in devloping skills... As they are the best of the lot... So if you see me camping with awp trust me one of the good ones will be on the opposite team... And trust me with them being there you will be too late reaching me :P...
:huh: You play as a terrorist ?? Good you have "Seen the Light" , you have attained Nirvana.:clap: Dont worry you have entered my domain...i give "shelter" and "protection" to all those who seek it.:rofl:

ps: Whay is Rave's id ??
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