Post your in-game screenshots & gameplay videos

Switch said:
Hey nice shots there blade... How is the gameplay...

edit: You killed a cow... Thats sick :hap5:
No i didn't. It was already lying dead and rotten .......... :bleh:

I have just started playing the game and the game play is good enough. Btw dont play it on the easy level, its way to easy and resembles more of a arcade shooter than a tactical one ;)
blade_runner said:
Btw dont play it on the easy level, its way to easy and resembles more of a arcade shooter than a tactical one ;)


I heard the AI is pretty good. I actually read it in Skoar !
Chaos said:
AVP2 is THE scariest game ever!!! I nearly wetted my pants in excitement the first time i played it :P.
Cliver Barker's Undying!

The final levels were a serious letdown though.
And the end boss resembled a vagina.

Other than that, best use of UnrealTech ever.
since i don play scary games..
Doom 3 is the scariest game I've played as well..
btw..I played the demo only ;)
lol doom3 is nowhere close to avp2 when it comes to being scary. aces have u even played avp2.

i dint like undying so dint play it. found it boring.

avp2 was the most scariest game ever made. i wonder if avp3 will come. even now when u play avp2 its good.

dont have many games installed on the pc atm. if u want screenshots of act of war or warhammer 40k, winning eleven 8 int. let me know.
yeah man stormblast i know what ur talking about especially the marine campaign is so damn scarry when u gotta walk into dark vents and suddenly a full wave of thos damn aliens comes to you almost wet my pants .........
doom3 in the beginning u can say it was a bit scary but then it got predictable i mean u could easily guess where the monsters will come out from next so no fun...
the alien was implemented well in avp2. Still trying to get primal hunt (or whatever the exp is called). Any views on it?