Finally i can post a list!!:rofl:
Now on one GSM and one CDMA connection!!
Was on 2 GSM connections earlier!!
so combo of any 2 within one or two ranks above/below!!
And i maintain them very well, at least 2yrs per model till i gift it!!
Except for the 3310 thats going on and on- used as a standby now!!

CDMA- Reliance- LG RD 2130 Moonlight phone!!
To be changed to a Nokia 2112!!
GSM- Almost in chronological order!!
Alcatel (some curvy model- good features)
6110 (used)
Vodafone Sagem (cheap phone, great features)
6210 cyber silver, 3310
6310i (Best phone i used till date:hap2: - with Dad now)
3315 (with Mom now), NGage (classic

- presently using),
Hopefully a K790i/800i soon or at least the W810i!!