Power strip/surge protector with USB ports


I'm looking for a power strip/surge protector with built in USB ports. These days a lot of electronics connect via micro USB or USB C and having separate adapters for each is a hassle. I'm primarily looking to connect my DAC, Alexa, and some charging like headphones, tablet, smart watch, etc. I'm not looking to replace my phone's chargers.

I have one by GM and one by Belkin and both are of good quality, but I can't find Belkins with USB port and GM ones don't more than 3+2. If anyone is using one they'd recommend, please suggest. I need at least 4+2, but won't mind having more. Budget max 2k.

I've currently shortlisted the following based on reviews:


I was also wondering if getting a Belkin strip with an adaptor like the following would be a better idea:

This will mostly be used for TV, speaker, DAC, Alexa, etc. Not for PC.
Whichever you choose, do not buy Portronics.
I had purchased the one with Usb ports and it blew off within 7 days. They gave a full refund.