If corsair is dishing such service I dont know what to expect from others
Corsair is one of the most well know brands with serious PC building guys. We all surely pay a premium and mainly its for peace of mind
I think any foreign brand when it comes to india, their work ethics change automatically
Same goes for VW, its subsidiaries like Skoda, Audi
Even Mercedes and bmw is the same boat
Worst is Jaguar / Land rover. The parent company is indian and still we are treated like dogs
I know of a person who paid 1 crore plus for a Discovery and is fighting with the company since 1 year for replacement as the car has major issues and he was saved by a whisker during several occasions. While driving the car simply shuts down
In Ram's country everything is RAM BHAROSE
All we need is strong laws protecting customers
Best case where a company is taking advantage of laws in country is when VW announced recall of its car with certain type of DSG gearboxes were failing. Recall was done in china. When VW was asked why not in india as in india also certain models sold with same gearbox. Answer by VW was that "cars sold in india not affected where as you ask any skoda / vw / audi owner having a DSG equipped car, 70 percent cars have a failed gearbox within 2 to 4 years
Its a manufacturing issue or design flaw which leads to such failures but no law in India to save customer where as in CHINA there is a watch dog keeping eye on such issues and if company does not take appropriate action they are fined heavily