Linux Pre-Order Free Ubuntu 9.04 CD !

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a_k_s_h_a_y said:
^^ Obviously.

I think some moderator should now edit the Thread Title to Free Pre-Order Ubuntu CD !!

Now I am also ordering one for myself..:hap2:
All you shameless people ordering free CD and burdening the small company called Canonical.... shame shame shame! You should just download the CD yourself!

Just kidding - even I ordered a couple of times for previous versions even though I had already downloaded it, because I wanted the STICKERS more than the CD! :D

Note: You can purchase cool Ubuntu branded items (USB sticks, stickers, mugs, tshirts etc) from the Ubuntu store at

I got myself some extra stickers, pens, keyring and a 1 GB USB stick... I think now they have a better 2GB model :)
vishalrao said:
All you shameless people ordering free CD and burdening the small company called Canonical.... shame shame shame! You should just download the CD yourself!

Just kidding - even I ordered a couple of times for previous versions even though I had already downloaded it, because I wanted the STICKERS more than the CD! :D

Note: You can purchase cool Ubuntu branded items (USB sticks, stickers, mugs, tshirts etc) from the Ubuntu store at ubuntu-landing-page-amended-2

I got myself some extra stickers, pens, keyring and a 1 GB USB stick... I think now they have a better 2GB model :)

Every year, we students of Computer Science And Information Technology, Distribute those branded CDs. The People, like colored CDs with stickers with ubuntu stickers on them.

Also these CDs gather more attention then plain ones. Since even from far off people who see it, start wondering what are they. :D

They don't like plain cds with Ubuntu written on them.

by any chance did you think we geeks would wait 3 weeks to check out Ubuntu !! Then its :rofl: !!
yea thats the main hassle - waiting many weeks to get something you can download in a day or so... :)

they apparently will ship you large numbers (100) of CDs for free too if you explain the use for it (like college/student distribution etc).... im guessing you availed of that benefit already...
:lol: Canonical strategy did worked a lot :P The free cd did paced the way for Ubuntu acceptance :P

They didn't send me 8.10 CD's despite I order it twice :lol:
sahilshah1987 said:
^ I had ordered the 8.10 and received them after 8 months :lol: and when i received them i dint even remember that i had ordered :P

what a load of crap..

8.10 = 10th month of 2008

present is 6th month after that... n u claiming 8months...:tongue: :no: :@
LOL you were paying attention, I'm sure he has a good explanation for this outrageous LIE.... punishable in a court of law!

This is like F1 liargate scandal but TE opensource version :D
Thanks :D Got the Cd's .. .

Beautiful Cover Art :D Awesome :D :yahoo: and just for that I am gonna remove Sabayon and dual boot with MDV :yahoo: as I have to report something to LFY too ::P
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