Linux Pre-Order Free Ubuntu 9.04 CD !

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i havent received yet

got bored long time ago so dloaded kubuntu 9.04, ubuntu 9.04 n mandriva 2009.1 one ...all on 128kbps line about a week ago...:ashamed:
got mine now:hap2: :hap2: ......

it will be great on my old laptop.....

:clap: :clap:
Heh, I ordered a set of stickers and a 4gb ubuntu pen drive a couple of weeks ago, just got it a couple of days back! :D

Now if their recycled wireless mouse wasn't out of stock I would order that along with Kubuntu stickers/pens!
heh, no digicam and just got my 4-yr old motorola razr with VGA (massive 0.3 megapixel) camera... took a picture, then found out my moto software wont install on windows 7. tried various tools on linux couldn't get them to work. finally found a newer version of moto tools for download off RS, moto wants you to buy it from their site, damn thiefs! finally got a pic out... posted in everyday showoff thread :D
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