Pre Orders for Forth Coming Releases(God Of War III, BFBC2, Heavy Rain, WKC, RE5 Gold

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Hello peeps,

We'll be taking pre-orders for forth coming releases in this thread. Keep checking back for regular updates.

The list of members and their order status will be displayed below the main thread.

Final Fantasy XIII [PS3/Xbox 360]

Intencity - Final Fantasy Xiii [ps3]

Intencity - Final Fantasy Xiii [xbox 360]

Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360

MRP: Rs 2,499 (Tentative)

Offer price: Rs 2,250 (PS3/Xbox 360)

Addtional Offer: N/A at the moment

Release Date: March 9th (Tentative)

Pre-Orders closing date: 5th March

Prices include shipping by DTDC Air

For shipping by DTDC Plus, please add Rs 100 to the price above

Heavy Rain [PS3]

Intencity - Heavy Rain [ps3]

eBay India: Heavy Rain HR Playstation 3 PS3 Pre-Order (item 270532774769 end time 19-Mar-2010 11:28:51 IST) Ebay Listing

Platform: PS3 Exlusive

MRP: Rs 2,499

Offer price: Rs 2,200

Addtional Offer: Coming soon !

Release Date: Feb 27th (Tentative)

Pre-Orders closing date: 25th February

Prices include shipping by DTDC Air

For shipping by DTDC Plus, please add Rs 100 to the price above

God of War III [PS3]

Intencity - God Of War Iii [ps3]

Platform: PS3

MRP: Rs 2,499

Offer price:
Rs. 2,250

Addtional Offer:


Release Date: March 16th (Tentative)

Pre-Orders closing date: 8th March.

Prices include shipping by DTDC Air

For shipping by DTDC Plus, please add Rs 100 to the price above

Battlefield Bad Company 2 [PS3/PC/Xbox 360]

Intencity - Battlefield Bad Company 2 Le [ps3] - PS3 LE

Intencity - Battlefield Bad Company 2 [ps3] - PS3 std edt

Intencity - Battlefield Bad Company 2 [pc] - PC std edt

Intencity - Battlefield Bad Company 2 Le [xbox 360] - Xbox 360 LE

Intencity - Battlefield Bad Company 2 [xbox 360] - Xbox 360 std edt

Platform:Xbox 360,PS3,PC

MRP: Rs 2,299 / 2,499 (Standard Edition-Xbox 360/PS3) , Rs. 2,699/2,799 (Limited Edition- Xbox 360/PS3), Rs. 999 (Standard Edition-PC)

Offer price:
Rs. 2,250/2,120 (Standard Edition- PS3/Xbox 360) , Rs. 2,499/2,570 (Limited Edition- Xbox 360/PS3), Rs. 875(Standard Edition- PC)

Addtional Offer: N/A

Release Date: March 5th (Tentative)

Pre-Orders closing date: 1st March.

Prices include shipping by DTDC Air

For shipping by DTDC Plus, please add Rs 100 to the price above

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [PS3/Xbox 360]

Intencity - Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [ps3] - PS3

Intencity - Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [xbox 360] - Xbox 360

Platform:Xbox 360,PS3

MRP: Rs 2,499 (Standard Edition-Xbox 360/PS3)

Offer price:
Rs. 2,250(Standard Edition- PS3/Xbox 360) ,

Addtional Offer: N/A

Release Date: March (Tentative)

Pre-Orders closing date: 10th March.

Prices include shipping by DTDC Air

For shipping by DTDC Plus, please add Rs 100 to the price above
Confirmed Orders:

FIFA 10 [PS3/Xbox 360/PC]

kushagra2008 - Payment received. Shipped
3) rashroxx - Payment received. Shipped
4) dharmilstar - Payment received. Shipped
5) AKT - Payment received. Shipped
6) indikop - Payment received. Shipped

Xbox 360:
1) udayrulez - shipped


Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves

1) mayanksahni - Payment received.
2) Gannu - Payment received.
3) rashroxx - Payment received
4) a5hr1th - Payment received
5) indikop - Payment received.
Aphro_EVO - Payment received
7) - Payment received
8) M KONDA REDDY - Payment received
9) bennysachdev - Payment received
10) ravi124 - Payment received
Dragon Age Origins

1) pr0ing - payment received

Assassins Creed II

1) joy1 - Payment received
2) mayanksahni - Payment received

Xbox 360:

Left 4 Dead 2 [PC/Xbox 360]

1) paraskhosla - Payment received for 2 copies
2) ! 0 t A - Payment received

Xbox 360:
wat if i just want the GH 5 guitar? The new guitar being bundled with this Game is a better and modified version of the ealier ones ..
Prashant, count me in for Uncharted 2 when the count for pre-orders begin.

And yeah GOW III. :P
apextwin146 said:
Bro try and arrange a GH5 guitar for me please ...

I can get ya the guitar for 4750 shipped provided I find a buyer for the individual game fow which many have shown interest... pls wait for a lil longer
Checking on Batman AA/Red Faction. Capcom games are always expensive, even on the consoles they're priced higher than the regular games
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