Preview:The real farcry2

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FarCry2-The Sorcerer’s preview “Forget Hawaii, hello Africaâ€

The real news about Far Cry 2.



By now, you’ve probably heard about 2004’s far cry. If not, let me lay it all out for you! Jack Carver was hired by Valerie Constantine to transport her to a un chartered Island. He dropped her off, only to be attacked by a group of mercenaries stranded on the island. Eventually, just like in all games, he fought his way through the armed occupants into the heart of the jungle and discovered that the island was used as a base to make genetically enhanced creatures called trigens.

However, FC2 absolutely got nothing to do with FC at all!!!

[BREAK=Fuh-get it!!]

Fuh-get it!!!!!

Far cry 2 is a journey into the depths of Africa and into the mind of a madman. Ubisoft has taken over the title from the game developing underdog-crytek, which explains why crytek is pumping up for Crysis. Before we get into the details of this game, you’re going to Africa buddy, no beaches, no sand. Think of the savannah, deserts, steamy jungle (not with women) and maybe couple of cities. Next, forget about the mutants. FC2 IS STRICLY ABOUT REALISM-so they say. No aliens, no genetic freaks who had over of steroids and no bobby darling (EEEEeeeek). Your mission is to assassinate (YES-THE HITMAN GIG) a guy who is giving out arms to two local warlords, and because of inferior complex and impotency, they both create tensions of a civil war that could paralyze the whole region. How you go ahead eliminating the target is, just like in the last game, upto you!!! No neon lights or an obvious corridor which says “your target sits here, please fasten your seatbelt and keep your guns loaded.†Also forget about Jack carver in this game-got “nothing to do with the story in this gameâ€. The reason-when they picked up FC players after bribing them money, when they asked about him, they thought it was the guy with the red shirt but they didn’t care much.

When there was a brainstorm discussion about fc back in 2005 when I blogged in, I used to think, why did people become so excited for the next sequel, and such a long delay. This delay for a sequel reminds me of half life to half life 2, which followed by quake 3 and quake 4…but didn’t make the publicity stunt bandwagon-the lies XXX and videogame scams that game companies started ever since George Bush’s administration-funny but in an odd manner-TRUE.

[BREAK=Whats in a game]

Whats in a game? This is what you will have in the game-you’ll have a choice to pick 1 out of 12 different characters (maybe 12 but unsure) to be your avatar in the game. Each has his/her (maybe) own unique look and back-story, with the one common denominator being that they’ll are all mercenaries for hire like in the movie “the mummyâ€. The remaining characters however, will be populated in the game, just like in mortal kombat, except they will be in your buddies who may require babysitting or rescuing. Also they will give some clues in the games and stuff.

After you’ve selected your avatar, You’ll begin the game by waking up in a hotel room located in South Africa, infected with malaria and on a verge of death (who later used in a movie called Resident Evil: resurrection). The person whom you’re hired to kill would be sitting infront of you and making sarcastic remarks. Luckily, you do recover from malaria (yes the character would be infected by it) and take the journey down the road.

In the end of the game, you won’t have multiple endings based on your actions. However watch out for betrayals and who might try to make benefits from you. Other then that, I will not spoil the fun any further and take away the suspense under the hot sun.

The most important character in the game, however, may just be the continent of Africa. As atmospheric and exotic as the original fc’s island settings, Africa offers a far more diverse ecology, with environments ranging from grassy savannahs to lush jungles to arid deserts. Though the environment is in Africa, the game doesn’t take place in a particular spot. Think of FC2 as an African themed fantasy land. One of the big challenges in the game was to make this game to be set in Africa. The developers who taken this game crytek’s hands not only rendered grasslands, jungles and deserts, but also different kinds of cities-colonial modern and those small bushy huts. They actually trekked the real Africa to make a scenario, which makes total sense and its good for gamers too, hopefully won’t be overkill. Even at the early stage, FC2 graphics will look as impressive has the FC in 2004. Even though you might see screenshots, one has o see the game in motion to truly appreciate the work as screenshots don’t do even a bit of justice for FC2 sneekpeek. Almost everything in the game can be decimated by using explosives and heck even the leaves on the tree can be shot off-something that other game developers-even half life makers-can learn.

In addition, particles are dynamic and procedural-smoke and clouds reacting to the wind which is stirred up by the blades of the helicopter and other things which kept in suspense. Imagine throwing a flaming drink on the grass and fire catching up. Such Details which prevented certain makers to brag as their realistic game for a long time. They will have certain strategic help for you during the game. However, time will let you know about the use of fire when you play the game.

Ubisoft estimates that the single player game play will be 20-25 hours. The main story will be composed of around 30 missions, with roughly 60 side missions just like in grand theft auto. The game won’t be broken into separate level despite there are many grounds to cover.

To pump up the immersiveness of FC2 experience, you’ll never see your character in the 3rd person, which is good in my point of view. Cinematic experience will be off the hook for those who have big screens for gaming-November will be a point of gaming enthusiasts in pc section thanks to game like this. Also there is no HUD which gives you a feeling that you have wearing master chief’s helmet, except in certain situations. Likewise, no mini-map on the screen which will be challenging and exciting. The character will hold a map but it’s a road map maybe with no markings.

However, there is one thing which Ubisoft is pulling out from crytek’s book-hang glider. Hang gliders and other vehicles will be there in this game. However, the damaged cause by weapons will affect the vehicles. Other then that weapons might deteriorate as you use, so don’t forget to shuffle the weapon lying around-which more looks like a laser hand gun idea from Halo. Even the AI will require medical attention even from you-or-this time-they will die to death. So do favours to those poor guys, if you don’t have any medical supply or a medic, shoot them in the head or else watch them bleed to death. As for yourself, forget health packs. You won’t need them!! Say what??? Seriously! Your character will heal over time, though there are certain mortal wounds that will make you perform gruesome healing without hands or maybe some tools in order to recover. That also includes re-locating your dislocated shoulder. This will be an impact making game so it’s safe to say-its ut Vs. FC2 vs. Crytek for the game of the year title.

[BREAK=Conclusion-Do you feel Lucky?]

Conclusion-Do you still feel lucky???

I was going to conclude this extensive research done on FC2, but one dirty little secret is that the character your playing may not be a nice guy in the game. In fact, if you really wont to ger the job done, you might have to be a snitch or a rat AKA a son of a b****-pardon my “Frenchâ€. FC2 will have an infamy system that essentially rewards you for bad behaviour. Sure, if a mission calls for you to cleat out a military stronghold, you can run in and shoot loads of mercenaries as a target practice (just like running over the middle men in the gta series when you run over them and look more like triple chicken burger I tried to have-hehe). But if you want to gain infamy, then shoot them in the knees, sabotage, and torch people up with flamethrowers-and you’re an instant psychotic killer. However, this can affect your main goal in this game and you might have to find another way around. Before concluding this-2 character’s name will be Marty Alencar, a former corporal and Frank Bilders, a son of a criminal and a criminal.
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Interesting but.........imo its gonna be just another fps.........what really interests me is the word HITMAN used in the review....if its a mix of Hitman and Farcry then that will be something to watch out for
:O Your are on review writing limit mate .. :P Give a break : P Awesome review .. Can't rep . have to spread arnd.. Reps due :)
Hey, Isn't Crysis developed as a successor of FarCry based on the CryEngine 2. Or the Next farCry is going to follow the same engine?
clown_abhi said:
Hey, Isn't Crysis developed as a successor of FarCry based on the CryEngine 2. Or the Next farCry is going to follow the same engine?

the engine is based on a modified YETI engine called "Dunia"(hmmm....wonder
where they got the inspiration for that from)

what puzzles me the most is why UbiMon had to claim it was a heavily
modified engine based of the YETI engine and then go name it Dunia.

they coulda just called it Dunia in the 1st place and claim that it was built from scratch or even YETI 2.0 would do fine.

can't seem to figure out their marketing tactics:huh:
Almost everything in the game can be decimated by using explosives and heck even the leaves on the tree can be shot off-something that other game developers-even half life makers-can learn.

I really doubt that...
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