PC Peripherals Price Check for DFI Lanparty UT nf3 250GB

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As the thread title suggests, I have a brand new DFI Lanparty nf3 250GB board. How much do you think i could pick up for it?? :)
Well, of course you dont get DFI boards in India ;)

Its from the states, bought at the Egg. Warranty i guess cant be claimed since there's no DFI presence in India. :)
95-100$ is the price for which the boards are being sold. On account of not having any warranty,etc i was thinking i'd let it go for a little less, say maybe 3.5 - 4K
Crazy_Eddy said:
95-100$ is the price for which the boards are being sold. On account of not having any warranty,etc i was thinking i'd let it go for a little less, say maybe 3.5 - 4K
Oh you mean ur selling it? Then thats a really nice price. BTW I'm interested :D.
Hehe one warning about that board is that its definitely not for newbs ;-). Also it doesn't overclock at all with the stock bios! U need to use modded bioses to reach those awesome overclocks.
yep, you can easily get even 5.5-6k for that board.
Getting it all the way from US to here is one big pain. Yes you dont get warranty but you get the product which you cant get here. And remember cheapest S939 board here is around 6.5-6.7K which is gigabyte board.
So its still cheaper than the cheapest here. :)
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