Price updates from Lamington Road (Mumbai)

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Prime ABGB
i5 2500k & intel 67BL B3 - 17600
x6 1090T with Gigabyte 880GMUD2H - 15100
with Gigabyte 890GX - 19600

Corsair XMS3 4GB DDR3 1600 - 2800
2 x 2GB DDR3 1600 - 2800

GSKILL 2 x 2GB DDR3 1600 - 2800

Corsair vx450 - 3450
cx400 - 2500

FSP Saga II 400 - 1900

PC Guide
i5 2500k & P67AUD3 - 21500
i5 2400 & Intel p67 - 14700
x6 1090T & 890GTD Pro - 18950
x6 1090T & M4A88TM - 15800
x6 1090T & 880GMAUD2H - 15500

Corsair XMS3 2 x 2GB DDR3 1600 - 2700
4 x 1GB DDR3 1600 - 2650
Mccann Infosys
i5 2500k & intel dh67 mobo - 17200
x6 1090T & Gigabyte 880g - 14750

Corsair XMS3 2 x 2gb - 1450 x 2
4 x 1gb - 2550
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Lamigton guys are very very irritating.
I am not a pro but i have a opinion and pov of mine.
Asus M4A78LT-M LE - 2800
AMD Athlon II X2 255 - 3100 (he was giving me this at 2950 but without vat stupid as i see)
Inquired above config in many shops and the range was
5700 - 5900 (i think 5700 was for non vat)

Logitech MK200 MM Keyb+optical mouse - 620

Now the above was ranging 610 - 650
Creative A35 2.0 - 390
Oh this item was actually was my fighting issue... because 390 - 450 (everywhere it is 390 and some one is giving me at 450

there are few problems through because of which i didn't purchase further...
I actually got qutation for 8-10 shops (yes time consuming..) for all items.
DIDN'T PURCHASED YET (but rates are confirmed)
Hard disk - 1700 (cheapest quote i got 1625 )
Ram (corsair 2gb ddr3 1333mhz) - 1200 and also some where (cheapest quote i got 990..)
Bijli oh that best myth on forums that 1100 you will get Bijli without smps. And believe me last time i tried it failed (dec 2010) now i tried it failed....
Bijli without smps - 1300 (it is also having a lot of availability issues. even on itwares shop which is elouge he was giving me cm-310) cheapest quote i got 1250.
Now even if u want a good (standard and stupid smps) than xtech 550w- Rs.450 - 550

sony 24x box pack (not oem) - 940 somewhere 1k remember to see the link
Sony Launches 24X DVD Writer in India
Lg 24x was 800.
Avoid OEM OF SONY it is old stock now. i would say avoid 22x range.
Logitech MK100 normal Keyb+ mouse - 540 - 550
CM Elite 310 - 1550 (just got it from itwares shop) it must be 1500
FSP SAGA II 350w - 1800 - 1850 (most of the shops)
FSP SAGA II 400w - 1900-2100 (including itwares)

Few extra quotes
china MP3 clip (memory card) - 200 (ipod shuffle replica)
china MP3 clip which display song title (little long) (memory card) - 450 (u can get at 375)
Senhiser PMX60 - 450 (head phone)
Soundmagic pl 30 - 900-950 (ear plug)

P.S : The guy at ITWARES was nice but most of the items where unavailable with him.

Guys i have to buy the remaining things can u guys tell me or refer me a good lamigton dealer/retailer who will give good quote no need for a lot of bargain. Also who is genuine in billing matters at least.
altainta said:
Guys i have to buy the remaining things can u guys tell me or refer me a good lamigton dealer/retailer who will give good quote no need for a lot of bargain. Also who is genuine in billing matters at least.

I always get all my stuff from PrimeABGB. They handle all the RMA hassles for you in case something goes wrong.

All you have to do is deposit the faulty product and pick up a new one from them. Their prices are slightly higher for some items but it is worth it if you have peace of mind for RMA.
RMA is not the issue..

Actually most of all shop say to go directly to the company...

Also Most of all shop give atleast 2-3 days of on table guarantee...

what is most imp for me is the reasonable price and billing!
altainta said:
RMA is not the issue..

Actually most of all shop say to go directly to the company...

Also Most of all shop give atleast 2-3 days of on table guarantee...

what is most imp for me is the reasonable price and billing!
Well, Prime has genuine billing but for reasonable prices, I cannot be sure.

I am so used to Prime now that I never compare their prices with that of others. I guess you'll have to do that once and decide for yourself.

^^ i know that you love prime abgb (i also once purchased the APC ups from there..) but they are little costly....

Can anybody tell me where to get this item at this rates (incl vat tax) ?

Zebronics bijli (without smps) - 1100

FSP SAGA II 350w - 1500 (not available most of the shops or higher at cost)

Ram (corsair 2gb ddr3 1333mhz) - 1050

AMD Athlon II X2 255 - 2800 (incl vat)
FSP SAGA II 350w - 1500(incl taxes) available at prime abgb

their RMA dept is really helpful,they helped me with my 4670 gfx card which had a broken resistor(physical damage) in RMA'ng it,just had to give it to them and collect it after a week. got a 1gb instead of 512mb card.its good to buy procy,mobo,gfx ,smps from a good shop that can help you out with RMA rather than running about at the time of RMA.
gunjan.singh548 said:
i wanted to know latest and cheapest price for Corsair VX 550 Lamington Road

just pm me the price ,it would be a great help for me
Well , i would suggest Prime again for the same , I HARDLY VENTURE INTO LAMMY NOWADAYS, if i wanna get sumtin , i just go ahead give a call to prime, go there and pick it up, i find thier service better than any other at Lammy, for sum products they do sell it for the cheapest values !! :) i totally agree with nehaladsul !!! :)
pratz said:
Well , i would suggest Prime again for the same , I HARDLY VENTURE INTO LAMMY NOWADAYS, if i wanna get sumtin , i just go ahead give a call to prime, go there and pick it up, i find thier service better than any other at Lammy, for sum products they do sell it for the cheapest values !! :) i totally agree with nehaladsul !!! :)

can you give some more details about Prime
What's the current rate for a 1TB 3.5" internal hdd? Most websites have it listed for ~2.8k, although this has been the case for a month or so now.
Seagate 7200.12 1TB is currently selling for 2.7k in most stores however some dealers are selling it for 2650...
most shops in lammy do the same,
and the upgrade you got is also depended on the company side. i once got a 1gb ddr2 dynet instead of my rma 512.
intelcore2 said:
FSP SAGA II 350w - 1500(incl taxes) available at prime abgb
their RMA dept is really helpful,they helped me with my 4670 gfx card which had a broken resistor(physical damage) in RMA'ng it,just had to give it to them and collect it after a week. got a 1gb instead of 512mb card.its good to buy procy,mobo,gfx ,smps from a good shop that can help you out with RMA rather than running about at the time of RMA.

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4gb ddr3 dynet was going from 1400 to 1700. 2x2gb. this was last week(24/3/11)
most deales did not have B3 rev H67 mobos,
Prime gave me good qoute on i3 2100+mobo(11000).

also if waiting for good smps then wait for April end. Seasonic X 560/650 series 80+ gold smps maybe available by then.
talked to Tirupati ths morning for them. rates will be ~ 4500+(maybe little more from the dealers.)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

4gb ddr3 dynet was going from 1400 to 1700. 2x2gb. this was last week(24/3/11)
most deales did not have B3 rev H67 mobos,
Prime gave me good qoute on i3 2100+mobo(11000).

also if waiting for good smps then wait for April end. Seasonic X 560/650 series 80+ gold smps maybe available by then.
talked to Tirupati ths morning for them. rates will be ~ 4500+(maybe little more from the dealers.)
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