PC Peripherals Price Updates from Nehru Place (Delhi) : No Price Request Entertained

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okay reconfirmed there were two models one with DVI one without DVI the prices i post were for the one with DVI the one without DVI is like 9.2k or so when asked at SMC.
Where'd you get the prices from Ice ?

Went to SMC today. They were quoting crazzy prices. 4k for the Jetway 690G, 2400 for 1gig kingston 667. Din't have X2 3600 Brizzy.
they dont have the 3600 anymore and i was told they wont be having them in any case. i think the new price cuts n stuff the old 3600 are just clearing off.

you should have check cost to cost also , plus ram prices are funny one day 1950 other day 2400 and then back to 1950 . its more like a stock market with the ram. and for the jetway mobos i think smc aint the right place as i dont see them stocking it. may be check with CE or cost to cost.

there was this place my frend buys stuff from in deepak building SIMPLE tech add here

17d,e deepak building 13 np

prices for ram were 200 bucks lesser than smc as qouted today and my frend was like this rma support is also good. he got his asus fixed / replaced ( i dont know exactly) from rashi in a days time via the dealer.
i asked from SMC only.. Logi is from the dealer i know..

Just ask both the shops for SMC, they usually have diffrent pricing ;)
Too many Viewsonic 19" LCDs have gt u guys confused :rofl:

VA1903wm---no DVI...crap of all---9.1k+tax

VA1912w---no DVI----okish----9.3k+

VA1912wb---DVI port is there but no cable----9.6~10k

VA1912wb-3----DVI port +cable----10.2k+

VG1930wm----11.2k+tax(best of all with nice color & angles)...quite high here :( in blore


This r approx Blore prices :P
Supra said:
Too many Viewsonic 19" LCDs have gt u guys confused :rofl:

VA1903wm---no DVI...crap of all---9.1k+tax

VA1912w---no DVI----okish----9.3k+

VA1912wb---DVI port is there but no cable----9.6~10k

VA1912wb-3----DVI port +cable----10.2k+

VG1930wm----11.2k+tax(best of all with nice color & angles)...quite high here :( in blore


This r approx Blore prices :P

VA1903wm was for 9.1k All inclusive @ NP 45 days back, now may be less, dont know.

VG1930wm is for 11.9k all inclusive. bought last week. so pricing is similar i guess.

but VX1945wm is for 15.5k @ SMC now thats expensive i guess

edit: VG2030 is for 17k @ SMC thats really expensive. you really have to bargain. the shop at the GF allows more bargaining i think. the fat guy (the owner i guess) is a cool person, doesnt crib at all no matter what.
Latest Update

AMD X2 4000+ : 3400 SMC

Gigabye 690V S2 : 2900 SMC

Gigabyte 6100 AM2 : 2400 SMC

320GB Seagate : 3650 Cost to Cost (finally found it :hap2:)

SB Live 5.1 : 1050 (some 1 confirm this price)

Samsung Pleomax Black K/B : 190

Oh and does anyone know the price of SB Audigy live?
Yep seagate 7200.10 SATA,

Nope the Gigabyte is not a OC'er, not the S2 anyways, S3 is still not available in India
DDR2/667 mhz

Kingston 1GB - 2k

transcend 1gb - Rs.2050

corsair 1gb - 2.3k


AMD 3600+-Rs.2.6k

AMD 4400+-Rs.4.3K

Asus M2NPV-VM - Rs.3.4k (good overclocking options) must consider if on budget

XFX 8500GT 512 MB - Rs.6.6k

and for all chieftec fans in Delhi. Good news has finally arrived, SMC has started dealing in Chieftec cases finally.

BH-02B-B-B - 4.9k
they have been having the chieftech cabinets for quite some time now. but thing is half the time they dont have it. its like every 2 weeks they get some stuff. and half the time out of stock.
200mph said:
they have been having the chieftech cabinets for quite some time now. but thing is half the time they dont have it. its like every 2 weeks they get some stuff. and half the time out of stock.

oh didnt knew that chieftec's were being sold at NP. never heard or seen them before. even when i asked once with sardarji @ SMC about this brand he was like he has never heard of such a brand.
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