I built a new i5 based gaming rig and bought all the components from S.P road last saturday. I got quotes from following dealers in the first week of jan by mail before going there.
1. Karnataka Computers
2. Golchha
3. Ankit
4. Anandit
Ankit's qoute was a complete rip-off. He qouted upto 10% and sometimes even higher on all the stuff.
Golchha's Quote was ok for some components but on some it is again very high.
Karnataka computers and Anandit gave better overall quotes, tough prices are still high.
I talked with all of them on the phone and Karnataka computers and Anandit infotech guys said they can give better prices when i walk in.
My experience with Golcha is bad. I bought a 9600GT and CM Real power pro 460w from him before, at that time he was all sweet. I think if he feels that you are going to buy from him he is ok, otherwise he doesnot care. He was rude on the phone also. Some of his prices are good.
Ankit (talked with Dinesh) was not rude directly, but he was sarcastic. I negotiated a little bit on the phone, I had to clearly get the point across that I am completely aware of the current prices and after refering to qoutes by other dealers. He immediatly started to give better prices. But still they are not the best prices and there is still room for bargaining.
I was particular about getting the RAM in my signature. Ankit and Karnataka computers said that they can get it for me. In the middle of the week Dinesh called me and said that he has ordered the RAM and I can get it on saturday. So I thought I could negotiate with Ankit like some one suggested in this thread and get everything from him at proper prices. I also wanted to buy all the stuff from the same guy so that I can get good prices and support in case of problems. If I could not get best prices on every thing from the same Dealer I was also considering to buy stuff from different dealers at their best prices as I am going to self-assemble the rig anyway. Since Anandit guy was unaware of the RAM I wanted, my other option was Karnataka computers.
Finally I went to S.P road last saturday. Its is an i5 based rig. To my surprise IT Gain and Anandit said the Processor is out of stock. But Anandit guy said he can get the processor if i want it. So I thought I will give Ankit and Golcha a shot.
Went to Ankit and he was ready to sell the processor, and his latest quote was also higher then the other dealers qoutes. After heavy bargaining he came to OK prices.
Then I went to Golcha, as usual this guy showed his attitute. He was arrogant. His pricing was Ok, except for vx550 for which he quoted 6600 + tax. He also did not have the RAM I wanted and said that he cannot get it.
Then I went to karanataka computers, there again the processor was not available. I could not get GA-P55M-UD2 also at any shop.
Both Ankit and Glochha are very rude. Even the IT Gain guy was rude when I asked for individual components.
Finally I went back to Ankit almost decided to buy everything from him and told him I will buy everything from him if he gives a reduction on the overall price. By now Dinesh started behaving a lot different from before. He started saying don't get excited ... don't get excited. Probably he got my pulse and thought that he could take me for a ride. Then he asked another guy next to him to give the components to me. I gave the final qoute that Dinesh gave to him, he started entering the components in a different piece of paper. I was asking for reduction on components which I felt are still highly priced. He was saying that I will not get a better price. Finally while entering the GFX card price he started shouting at dinesh saying where can you get the card at this price and had some discussion with him. He quoted higher price on the HDD also, he stiked it off.
Then he qouted high for some other components to which I said I only need the processor, MoBo, Ram and some other stuff from him. Then he blatently said " Jaa, kush nahi dunga" --- " Go I will not sell you anyting". I felt very offended

and talked to Dinesh asking him how some one can talk to a customer like that. He said "arey kya karte ho" to the other guy and said he was getting the graphic card i wanted and asked me to wait. There is no apology or any such sign from either of them. They were busy with the other customers. I have decided that I will not buy from a guy who has no manners and minimun courtesy towards the customers. I walked out after saying the same to Dinesh and said that I will post about the incident on TE.
If he cannot reduce the price he can deny to do so politely. He can say that this is the best they can give. I wouldn't mind paying nominal price for good customer service.
Then i went to Golcha thinking I can get half the stuff from him and the rest from Karnataka or Anandit infotech. But to my surprise he did not have the processor and said that in a rude manner. I tried in couple of other shops and got the same reply. Then I tried in Bangalore computers also and got the same reply. When asked he said that stock is not available and wont get fresh stock untill some time in February. I got a feeling that Ankit had some part to play in this and that all these dealers have a network. Another reason may be that they wanted to sell the i7-860 that every one is willing to send. When I told this guy that the same processor is available with Ankit then he called up some people and asked them if it is possible to arrange one for him.
Meanwhile I got a call from Anandit asking me what happened. I explained him the scenario and he said he would get it for me. He asked me to come to his shop. I went to his shop. He asked me if i want the rest of the components. When i said that if he can get me the RAM and graphic I am ready to buy everything from him. I also explained what happened in Ankit and told him all the components I wanted were avaiable with him. He said he would get all the stuff for me.
I lost all hope of getting core i5 on that day and was planning to buy from chennai or order online from TE dealers. But, he finally got everything for me. When asked how he got the processor and RAM. He said he got it from Ankit as there is no other option. May be ankit blocked the one processor that is available with them.
From all this I came to understand that these guys have the same distributors from whom they get the stuff and sell. Finally i got all the stuff I wanted from Anandit after spending some time selecting the graphic card.
Following is the config I got from Anandit. All prices are excluding taxes. Add 4% VAT to all the prices.
Intel core i5-750 - 9650 (May be the last processor in S.P road)
Asus P7P55D - 9700
G.Skill RipJaws F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL - 6800
XFX Geforce GTX 260 XXX core edition SP216 - 11000
CORSAIR VX550W - 5500
WD5001AALS (500 GB Cavier Black edition) - 3800
APC 650VA - 2800
Ankit is a rip off and rude. It is not worth it to waste time and energy at his shop to get good prices. He takes you for granted if he is convinced that you
buy from him. I will never buy from this guy again, or would recommend him to anybody.
Even IT gain guy was rude when i asked for some of the components after taking a quotation.
These guys spread across their profit in the various components they quote. When you ask for individial components you will not get them at same price and they are not willing to sell. Best thing to do would be to get a qoute from 2 -3 dealers and try to negotiate on the total price. You should know the market prices and then negotiate for that.
Buy from
Anandit Infotech
Karnataka computers
Golchha ( If you get stuff at good prices. At least the guy wont say "go I wont sell. He will at least say its not possible.)
@sg3707: The imported stuff explanation they gave is crap. They give funny replies to trick the customer. They also try to sell stuff they have in stock, by tricking the customer to believe that it is better or as good as what they want. Finalize on what you want and stick to the components. Don't fall for their tricks.
From my recent experience at S.P road and after talking to some dealers all computing stuff the distribution network is something like this.
Importer -> Distributor -> Retail -> End user. For some products some of these levels may not be there. What you get from any other reputed dealer is as genuine as what Ankit sells for a much lesser price.
I got cheaper qoutes for i5-750 on 1 Jan. I got 9500 from almost every dealer except Ankit and Bangalore computers qouted 9200, thats correct 9200 is the cheapest I got. But the next week every body started qouting high and the best I got was 9650. Like i told u there is a shortage of this processor. One of the dealer said it wont be available till end of feb. I don't think this is correct. I think fresh stock will come this week or next week max, as SMC'Intl has good Deals on i5-750 combo. SMC is from Delhi, If it available in Delhi, it should be available here also.
I should have built the rig in Nov or DEc itself. But I was waiting because the platform is new and there were many hardware issues. Another thing is the RAM I wanted was not available. So I thought JAN will be the right time to buy. Which is a good thing I did. I got the RAM I wanted and after the latest BIOS updates a lot of problems with the platform got sorted out.
I also wanted to build it on 9th Jan because I wanted to have the RIg ready for Pongal i.e today, which I Have up and running now. I knew that I am spending 500 - 1000 Rs extra.
Gowt1ham said:
Yes I swear on my Dogs tail I saw CM 690 at ankit last week.
100% sure u will get a CM 690 by many guys, but only ankit and golcha have transparent panel.
give them a call bfr u chk.
Yes CM 690 is available with Golcha. He qouted 4000. Just call before u go.
pretttt said:
@sg3707 nice update buddy.
yea even I had called up couple of shops on saturday to inquire about i5 750 and they both were saying that its out of stock now and will not be coming anymore ... lol
I thought that some noob picked up the phone and didnt know what he was talking about. They do this on purpose actually, like if they dont have something stocked at that moment, they just say that product is stopped now in the hopes that the customer would instead buy something else, rather than waiting. I've seen them doing this many times.
Exactly. They say i5 is not available and it won't come or u wont get it till two months, because they want u to make an impulse buy. May be he wanted me to buy i7-860.
hector19 said:
Believe me, Bangalore is a worst place to buy tech & gaming stuffs !
price there totally sucks, HD 4850 is still being sold @ 8.5k & to my utter astonishment 9600 Gt retails 7.5k

ODD !~! n WD HD media player 7k incl Taxes & Ankit infotech sucks, Golcha offers the best customers satisfaction ( not in price, but by ADVICE )
Bangalore is defiently costly.
I bought a 9600GT 512 MB DDR3 for 5000 and cooler master real power pro 640w for 4000 both inc taxes in oct' 09. It sould me more or less than same. It is actually cheaper now.