Prime ABGB website hacked > eBro > TV Serial

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Btw even TechBoi used to create many threads in GT. Or may be

Errrm techboi's interests were expensive jeans, tees, kurtas, blazers, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, LV, D&G and the likes not things/threads like these or at least what Oink posts. :P

Neither am I, n00b question but please enlighten me.


The OP used to always finish off his posts with the term eBro. Members of the forum were initially flummoxed as to why he used to do so. Later some of us asked him as well (and times used to mock him; like eGannu for instance :P). Well he never had any specific intentions. And he came to know as THE eBro of the forums.
Errrm techboi's interests were expensive jeans, tees, kurtas, blazers, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, LV, D&G and the likes not things/threads like these or at least what Oink posts. :P

The OP used to always finish off his posts with the term eBro. Members of the forum were initially flummoxed as to why he used to do so. Later some of us asked him as well (and times used to mock him; like eGannu for instance :P). Well he never had any specific intentions. And he came to know as THE eBro of the forums.

Ah! Thank you, that is one TE legend out.

And about Techboi / Rite etc etc you are right. He was more interested in Designer jeans and trying to peddle me 10TB worth of Western Digital Black's in-case I wanted to play a game smoothly.
Errrm techboi's interests were expensive jeans, tees, kurtas, blazers, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, LV, D&G and the likes not things/threads like these or at least what Oink posts. :P

And about Techboi / Rite etc etc you are right. He was more interested in Designer jeans and trying to peddle me 10TB worth of Western Digital Black's in-case I wanted to play a game smoothly.

Don't know if many of you have seen Justified (highly recommended btw), but it may be that Techboi's found God as Boyd Crowder(played brilliantly by Walton Goggins) did in the series.

From expensive jeans and 10TB HDDs, he has started pondering about the simple things in the life, the ones that really matter. Like asexuality or how he's mocked because he has good command over English.

You must keep in mind that even then, his questions were quite thought-provoking.
Don't know if many of you have seen Justified (highly recommended btw), but it may be that Techboi's found God as Boyd Crowder(played brilliantly by Walton Goggins) did in the series.

From expensive jeans and 10TB HDDs, he has started pondering about the simple things in the life, the ones that really matter. Like asexuality or how he's mocked because he has good command over English.

You must keep in mind that even then, his questions were quite thought-provoking.

Damn, does that mean his fate will end the same as that of Goggins' character in The Shield?
Goggins wasn't too bad in SoA either


That is one disturbing screenshot. Still have to watch Sons of Anarchy and all the links in Google have big "SPOLER ALERT: Don't read further" tags before the start of the articles, so I did not pursue this.

He is one talented actor, that's all I can say.
Amen! :P


@Sei: Goggins' fate at the end of the series man! Left me devastated. As much as Lemansky's departure. :'(
Amen! :P


@Sei: Goggins' fate at the end of the series man! Left me devastated. As much as Lemansky's departure. :'(

Watch Justified if you want to see this guy's true acting potential. His role in Shield was still one-dimensional. He has taken it to another level in Justified. I've always held that Timothy Olyphant (Die Hard 4, Hitman, The girl next door) is an outstanding actor and Goggins holds his own in all his scenes with him. My new favorite series as of now right there with Shield. :)
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