Prince is back

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Prince of Persia is back, using an upgraded version of the Assassin's Creed engine and starting anew with a brand new Prince and a completely different storyline. Gone are Farah and the Sands of Time, replaced by what appears to be an even more interesting story and a whole new gameplay philosophy.

For more head here
i wish they dont port prince of persia to PC like they did with Assassins creed

looking forward to the game :)
morgoth said:
@Gannu. Did you took trouble to click on the link that I provided and read the contents?

I know news about new PoP has been posted before. But this time it's a sort preview and not just an announcement about a title which is in work :bleh:

I did but the title of the thread was li'l intriguing; in the sense that news is sort of 'new' here!!! :P
Finally some game to look forward to. The art direction is simply beautiful.
The POP trilogy were the best games I've played in recent history. And the story was just wow :)

EDIT: Close-up shot.

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