Problem with my Nokia 6233 ... Plzz help

Hey guys...

I have an issue with my Nokia 6233:hap2: . The volume of the voice call speaker is very low. When I went to Nokia Care, they said that the volume of the speaker is low because of the panel:mad: ( For your information I have fitted a duplicate panel .. original broken) .. my question is.. does the casing or the panel have an effect on the sound volume of the voice call speaker? one more thing.. i am not too sure whether the sound volume after i changed the panel.. thats why the question in the first place.

H2O said:
Could be the holes are not properly aligned happened with me 1ce.

Thanks for the response.

I don't think so.. I removed the panel and tried listening. still same output. The nokia care guy tld me that the 6233 casing sits pretty tight on the body of the phone. Thats why the volume is low.

Checked at two places.. they tld me the same thing.

not sure what to do. A new original nokia panel costs around 1800 bucks. Ready to invest. but gotta make sure that it is a wise investment. would be horrible if it doesnt work even after replacing the panel.
Is the problem only with the voice call speaker(are u referring to the speakerphone?) or does music playback through the stereo speakers sound very low to you?
I had used my friends 6233 once. The stereo music playback speakers were pretty powerful.
Slightly Off-topic: Heard that the Nokia 6233 has been discontinued. Heard this in The MobileStore. It seems once in a while a shipment comes with the 6233 but its very rare, so its as good as discontinued.

Anybody can confirm this?
hotshot05 said:
Is the problem only with the voice call speaker(are u referring to the speakerphone?) or does music playback through the stereo speakers sound very low to you?
I had used my friends 6233 once. The stereo music playback speakers were pretty powerful.


the speaker on the side of the phone (the one u are referring to) is perfect. extremely powerful..
the problem is with the ear piece ( or the speaker to which u listen while speaking on the handset) ... any idea what the issue could be?
nikeel said:
Slightly Off-topic: Heard that the Nokia 6233 has been discontinued. Heard this in The MobileStore. It seems once in a while a shipment comes with the 6233 but its very rare, so its as good as discontinued.

Anybody can confirm this?

yes. i think they have stopped production.