Graphic Cards Problem with PC

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Hi everyone

I am facing a peculiar prob with my pc. My pc abruptly shuts down without any warning when i play doesnt hang and no BSOD.just switches off abruptly when playing a game.

It doesn happen when i watch a movie or do any other task like browsing or when using Office.It happens only when i play games.i wud be playing the game and suddenly out of the blue it just switches off without a warning.

Tried removing all the RAM's and putting them one by one. No use.

I tried with Crysis ,NFS HP and Prototype.

My pc's config is

MB:XFX 680i Lti
Procco: E7200
Ram: Transcend DD2 800,1GB * 3 sticks
HDD:500GB Seagate
GFX Card: Zotac 9800 GT 512 mb

Thanks in advance
abrupt shutdown could be cos of Proccy overheat or it could be cos of PSU not able to handle the load. Let the forum know about the PSU you use.
I guess you have a generic PSU (SMPS)... since your PC crashes only when you game, it could indicate your GFX card is trying to draw more more than your PSU can sustain, hence it's shutting down to prevent damaging your system. Do mention which SMPS you have.
sumatrix said:
I use a corsair VX 450 and i ve been playing games on this setup from past 1 yr.this has started recently
If u r thinking that Corsair PSUs doesnt fail then u've totaly mistaken my friend... Even Corsair PSUs fail :)... IMO i think ur PSU is the Culprit... i have faced this type of problem before... This thing had happend wid my P3 Rig some years ago... And in my case the PSU was the culprit... And BTW also check the CPU temp... use coretemp or realtemp to check the CPU temperature...
Fails means?? not able to supply the reqd power??

But will it not affect the normal functioning too,if it has failed??

AS i mentioned before the normal functioning is absolutely fine.
sumatrix said:
Fails means?? not able to supply the reqd power??

But will it not affect the normal functioning too,if it has failed??

AS i mentioned before the normal functioning is absolutely fine.
Same thing used to happen wid my rig... while surfing and doing lite stuff it doesn't used to shutdown but while encoding some videos my p3 rig used to shutdown but after changing the PSU my system started working well... Try someone else's PSU in ur rig... if it works fine on someone else's rig then ur psu is the culprit...
sure thing will try out.

I ran real temp and monitored it .

The temp is around 50 deg at 2% load but it shoots upto 113 deg at 70% load.

I somehow feel the pc is shutting down due to hight temp to save itself..
113 degrees is way too hot... i guess u have to do something with your heatsink to cool it... or replace your heatsink and add a good thermal paste like MX-2 or something... there is a high possibility of it getting fried if you continue to use it.
Wow! Thats hot. Sounds like an overheating issue.

I know you checked the ram, but still, if the problem persits afetr you fix your overheatng issues you should try running Memtest or Ramprobe.
My sincere advice. Dont ever go for el-cheapo PSUs. PSU is a very vital part of a PC. Atleast get a FSP SAGA if it is available. Dont risk the components of your PC with these crap PSUs.

Even the 9800gt green editions require a standard PSU. Since you are using the normal one which draws more power you have to invest in a better PSU.
Remove the cpu fan, clean it. Do the same for the heatsink.Then apply a thin layer of good quality thermal paste and reseat the heatsink and fan.

Check with temps. I think the problem should be rectified.
blow out the dust from ur comp first. then replace the thermal paste. use arctic silver. then check if there is enough airflow in the case(what case do u have?). then if all these fail rma the psu cause its almost fried.

Every electronic part ages and with age its capacity decreases. same here with ur psu. aging may be causing it to output a low wattage and when the gpu tries to draw more it shuts down to protect itself. u can check using a multimeter
Thanks everybody fot eh suggetions.

I did the following.

I blowed out all the dust inside my CPU. took out the heat sink and cleaned it and re applied cooler master thermal paste.put a bit thick layer onto the CPU and some on the heat sink.

Reseated the heat sink. now temps seem to be in the range of 90-95 degs which still sem to be high.but the system isnt shutting down now.

Also i noticed that the temp reduces drastically wen i shut off the game. the dip is like 10-20 degs a min. as an engineer i can tell u that the temp of any object will not dip by 10-20 degs a min in normal room temo condition.

Also the GPU seems to be cool at around 45 degs when the game is running which in fact shud be high right??

@anf : hey bro corsair vx450 is not a el cheapo PSU by any means .

I am thinking of observing this for a week and then going for arctic silver.

Also applying the paste on the heat sink or CPU doesn make a difference right ?? or does it when i apply on the heat sink and then allow it to spread to the CPU when it is seated on teh CPU??

Sorry for the long msg.thanks for having the patience to read and thanks for all the help guys.
i think u still haven't seated the HSF properly... @Load ur CPU Temp shud b in the range 60-70 not in the range of 90-95...

How To Apply Thermal Paste Tutorial lol... :P

1. Remove ur old thermal grease from ur CPU and from ur heatsink... Use isopropyl alcohol wid a cotton cloth to remove the old TP properly...

2. Put a small drop of thermal paste on the center of ur processor... (Pee Method)

3. Fit the heatsink properly... thats all...
i ve re installed the screws properly cos the HS is seated tightly and i am not able to move it at all which i think means that it has been seated properly.

i had cleaned the HS and top of CPU with nail polish remover with a cotton and applied 3-4 "pee drops" of cooler master paste onto the CPU.

Thanks for the tutorial though LOL.

I bought this procco from a TE member here and right from the beginning the temp has been hovering around 70-80 degs which i thought was normal.
@suma.. Sorry mate, since some members were advicing you regarding your PSU, i thought you were having a crap PSU. And yes, of course vx450w is an excellent masterpiece...
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