CPU/Mobo Processor 4-Pin power cable extension

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A Nobody.
Hi All,

So i just changed my cabinet from CM 431 to CM Cosmos 2. The length of the cable for Processor power is a 4 pin and the cable length is just correct. Meaning its a tight fit and i cant seem to route it through the back of the motherboard also.

The Cosmos comes with a 8 pin extension cable. I cannot use that, as there is a cap or something right to left of the power header on the motherboard. I checked Amazon for some extension cables and there is. But nothing in Indian sites.

Any help?

You can always make your own. I wanted to shorten the same cable from my power supply to avoid having ugly looking tie-wrapped bundles for my mini-itx build, so I went to SP Road in Bangalore where there is a shop selling just connectors, bought the required plastic plugs/sockets along with the male and female pins and wire. I stripped the wire, crimped the male and female pins onto the bare ends using a pair of needle-nose pliers, inserted them in the right holes in the plugs/sockets using the cable I had as a template, double-checked everything and plugged it in. Took about half an hour and it worked like a charm. Make sure that the pins are oriented the correct way, otherwise they won't lock in place inside the plugs and sockets.
The one on the left I believe is the cable you are looking for? I don't know about online but they can be easily bought in your neighborhood computer peripherals store. I got two of them a year or so back from Lammington Road.
In the picture on the right, the longer cable is the one I had made (a tad over a foot in length) before getting those two cables. The ones I bought are around 6 inches long each. As tvarad said, making one is pretty easy as it doesn't require too much effort and time.

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