CPU/Mobo Processor help

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Jatin kompelli

:) I have decided to buy a new PC . :)
:ohyeah: I have decided to go for an AMD 64 based system. :ohyeah:

:) I want to buy AMD 64 4000+ but i didn't get it, only 3800+ is available. :)

:) Can someone tell me wheather 4000+ is available in india and if it is not available should i wait for a couple of month or i should buy a 3800+ processor. :)

plz give me ur suggestion
Hi, welcome to TE. Please state your requirements what you will be using the computer mainly for ? Budget etc...
His budget obviously HUGE.

Try going for the 3700+ San Diego.... IT is better than the previous generation. They also OC like hell..... If you can wait, then wait for the 4000+ San Diego. Don't go for the 3800+.

and if posssible try to get a DFI NF 4 Ultramobo from the US. Otherwsie go for an Asus A8N-SLI mobo in India itself....
The MSI SLi board is way better than the A8N-SLI deluxe when it comes to overclocking. The only downer is that u've gotta use low voltage ram. BTW jatin do state ur budget and also what the system would be used for so ppl here can guide you better.
That was EXACTLY why I recommended the Asus..... the low VDIMM

Nikhil posted 3.77 minutes later:

But if he uses TCCD or TCC5 ram, then that will not be a problem
Whoa man you guys are just poaring out info ! I don't think he even knows the price of a 3700+ :ohyeah:

Well Jatin, the CPU alone costs about 17k and the mobo about 11k, so that is about 28k just for the CPU/Mobo.

I would suggest you to get a 3200+ Venice (we can give you a good stepping to buy) with a A8N Deluxe and get the Leadtek 6800GT PCIe, KILLER gaming rig.

Rest is your choice...
Why do you assume that just because he is looking to buy a high end CPU tht most of us only dream abt, he is unaware of the prices??? He says that he enquired for the 4000+ but they told him that 3800+ was in stock.... It shows that he did do some research. And he would have OBVIOUSLY found out the price also,.....

And 3700+ San Diego is around 20K. 11-12K for MSI or Asus SLI mobo.....

Nikhil posted 1.22 minutes later:

and in India even if we give him the stepping, he may not be able to get that particular stepping as the dealers in India are dumb.....

And a SD is waaaay better than a Venice. ANYDAY. So, instead of going for the 4000+ SD, he can go for a 3700+ SD and oc it....
Remember guys not everyone knows and wants to OC their PC as they fear the loss of warranty.
So next time ask them if they wanna OC or just want a good rig withour Oc'ing
A 3700+ SD is gr8 even at stock speed.
Couple it with ASUS A8N Sli and it will OC gr8 till 250 1T , 250x12 = 3000Mhz

Get a nice Ram and GPU.
A 6800GT would be a gr8 GPU.
No need for 2 GPU's

If you feel you dont need SLi a A8N-E Mobo would be the best bet.
:) Thanks for giving me suggestion. :)
:) I want to use it for 3d application & extreme Gaming. :)

:) I have already found out the price of 3800+ which was around 22k so i was thinking to wait for some time so I can buy a 4000+ which would cost me around 25k. :)

:ohyeah: AMD is launching its FX 57 & 59 so it is quite obvious that the price of 4000+ will soon fall down. :ohyeah:
But the only difference between 370+ and 4000+(both San Diegos) is one multiplier.... and 3700+ is good enough.... you need minimum of oc'ing it to reach 4000+ speed. Both have 1MB L2 cache.

And you can buy a 7800GTX along with an Asus A8N-SLI or MSI NEo4SLI. Then you can buy another 7800GTX after 1 year or so....
Why buy the A8n SLI at all, waste of money get the A8ne deluxe instead. For Extreme gaming get the 7800 GTX right now or wait for ATI R520. And if you want to overclock then you will need to get some good quality RAM,s Hynix and Transcend wont just do. I think Corasir XMS series prices have dropped internationally and its decent ocer.
The A8N SLI is a better oc'er than the A8N-E. The A8N-E has a few issues with the HTT above 250. This has been fixed on the A8N-SLI with the latest 1012 BIOS. This was posted on TE by Funky today itself.

And yes.... Corsair XMS series is the best you can get in India....
How can you say it is a better oc'er when you know so well abt the problems it has??? You were the one so worried abt the 250 HTT block on A8N-E. And when Funky posted abt the 1012 BIOS for the A8N SLI which fixed all these issues on the A8N SLI, you said you were thinking of changing your mind and buy an A8N SLi....
i know i said that but the thing is that funky is the only guy who has overcome this 1T
issue , i will have to wait for many ppls opinion on this new BIOS
Hey Jatin, if you really have that high a budget try and see if you can get a DFI mobo and OCZ ram ! Really Awesome performance. Even if you want to overclock later you can be sure of your mobo and RAM. Also you will get great resale value in India as OCZ RAM is not available here...

Think about it, no use buying the A8N board when you have a high budget. And as far as the proccy goes get the 3700+ SD, or else if possible try and get the FX55 based on the San Diego core, it has unlocked multipliers ! Also as Aces said get the 7800GTX which will tear any game apart right now...
^^ Huh what are you talking about DFI nf4 ultra is for 120$ much cheaper then Asus A8ne which is for 8k here ... If he can get that mobo from US thats fine. OCZ memories are also not available here.

Also I thought generally nforce 4 ultra chipsets OC's better then the SLI boards.
C'mon Aces, if he wants SLI then he can get the DFI nForce 4 Ultra SLI board. I know that OCZ memory is not available here but it is the best available so if he can get it from abroad it will be great. He has a high budget so why not buy high end stuff ?
:) Dfi mobo & ocz memory is very good :) but the fact that warranty & service is a huge problem & import is also a bit problem. :huh:
:ohyeah: So i decided to buy a A8N SLI mobo with corsair memory. :ohyeah:

:) I think corsair is also very good. :)
;) What do u think about it. ;)
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