Programming job without computer science background

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Exactly. And Google, being created with inventing SRE, themselves mention in their golden book on SRE that the SRE engineers are "almost" programmers (I forget the exact words). They know most of what their regular programming engineers know, so that they can take up complex automation work for what was earlier in dumber days called devops / infrastructure.
Aws is the original pioneer of such things. And the almost progrmmers you mentioned are known as devops. Btw, there is no such thing as almost programming… I sometimes feel writing kernel modules in c has no imagination. Programming is just a tool make things work.

Anyhow; lot of good points being discussed here.
Aws is the original pioneer of such things. And the almost progrmmers you mentioned are known as devops.


The field of site reliability engineering originated at Google with Ben Treynor Sloss,[4][5] who fou.....

Btw, there is no such thing as almost programming… I sometimes feel writing kernel modules in c has no imagination. Programming is just a tool make things work.
"Almost" in quotation marks.

Quotation marks may be used to indicate that the meaning of the word or phrase they surround should be taken to be different from (or, at least, a modification of) that typically associated with it, and are often used in this way to express irony
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