Car & Bike Project Livewire

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A Nobody.

Project Livewire or Harley Davidson Livewire.

Surprised this didn't make into this thread. Any Harley purists here? Disappointed the potato sound is gone? Or this is another blasphemy just like when VRod was released? :)


This will be a catastrophe for Harley.
Their customers will think its sacrilege, and nobody would buy one.
You do remember what people said when they said V Rod r8?. :) :).

Lets wait another 10 years.
But at the end of the day, the VROD was a cruiser.
You put fuel in it, it made noise, and it could go anywhere all day.
This one doesn't make noise, and the batteries will run out.
Not an ideal scenario, when your batteries run out in the middle of Route 66
And the R8 sold because it was a cheaper more usable Lamborghini Gallardo with 4 wheel drive.
Battery technology will only get better. Sound, well... It makes a star trek kinda wooo sound. :D
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