Project: "Megalodon"...

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Megalodon (/ˈmɛɡələdɒn/ MEG-ə-lə-don; meaning "big tooth", from Ancient Greek


It’s been a while since I built anything. Now that the x99 is out finally. I thought of upgrading my old build. My Last build log is here: Project "Exaile". This time around I wanted to do something more "modest"; So have gotten rid of all the “blue” stuff from the case, Blue Sleeved cables, sata cables etc. I am still to decide what I really wanna do with the Fans though. Maybe use ém for a bit till I can get something which goes with my new scheme of things, anyhow have left that for later to decide upon. I have not really thought of a name for the build yet, I am just liking the sound of "Megalodon" but lets see.

New hardware I have listed out and here :

1. ASUS x99-E WS

There is not a better looking board out there IMO truly though. I thought long and hard about the Deluxe version but just could not get myself to like the white at all. This board looks more purpose built and has a subtle dark look. Would be my first E-atx board though.

2. Intel 5960x

Oh well! There is nothing I can say about this processor. Except its just a beast.

3. Corsair Dominator Platinum

This was the hardest part. I went crazy finding which ram to use and there was/is nothing available yet. I have placed an order for the : 4x4gb 2666Mhz C16 with Hynix H5AN4G8NMFR Chips. I hope they come in all fine.

4. ASUS Xonar STX2

I really liked my older Xonar ST and after which when I went back to on-board audio I simply hated it. Now I want the new STX2, though I read there is not much difference in the STX and the STX2, I would like to find out for myself. I just prefer having a dedicated sound card, and also the Crystal Sound setup on the x99-E WS is lightly different than the on Asus’s other boards. I am just waiting for ASUS to bring one in for me, that’s just taking a while to come in.


The hardware I intend to retain from my current setup:

1. Corsair HX1050
2. Corsair 800D (This has been modded from Corsair to SATA3 and USB3 ports instead of the stock)
3. 2x Samsung EVO 256Gb (Performance patch applied.)
4. 2x 2tb WD Black
5. 2x GTX Titan SLI
6. XSPC 360 Radiator
7. XSPC Dual Bay res. With D5 pump

As for other parts being imported:

1. XSPC Raystorm CPU block with Black mounting plates.
2. XSPC Back plate for GTX Titans.
3. BitsPower compression fittings.
4. Feser Silver tubing. (This becomes UV Blue, but I dont intend to have any UV lights, think I have grown too old for this stuff.)

Parts left for a later date:

1. Sleeved cables (Still Thinking about the color.), or even custom ones. Maybe Gray and black or something in between.
2. A different fan controller, I think Scythe has a newer 5.25"fan controller which I prefer to this one, so I might upgrade to that.

Well, one last look at my old build:

Well, took apart the old build and washed the 800D with Alcohol, and every part of the 800D, including fans, USB 3.0 Front headers, even the SATA 3.0 PCB. Everything that I was gonna keep for this new build got a nice wash.

This is what the bare 800D looked like after:


A few years of abuse are clearly visible, but its still standing tall, and is rock solid.
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So of the old stuff carried forward:

The Samsung EVO 840's: These have been updated to the latest Firmware EXT0CB6Q. And have the performance fix applied.
Though The performance has gone back to normal, with over 1Gbps with RAPID.

GTX Titan: Well I got one of these as RMA for a 690 but none the less managed to acquire another one as well from a kind Forum Member. Thats right now doing duty on my cousins R5E build till his 980 comes in which shall be soon enough.

XSPC X20 750: My only pump had died so I upgraded to this sometime back.

Shiny New Toys that have come in:



4x4GbCorsair Dominator Platinum 2666 Mhz DDR4:



Intel 5960x:


...and some Corsair fans :

New Component testing, with stock HSF of intel as I dont have any other better cooler yet. They are in transit.
And ofcourse my biggest help: Screwdriver

Also updated bios to 606, during this process.

Installed the following(This is a boring process with no mods hence I have not posted any pics of this.)
1. Upgraded Sata 3.0 HDD PCB installed for 800D.
2. Upgraded USB 3.0 Front Panel Installed for 800D.
3. Core components Installed.

Installed the following:
1. 2x2TB Western Digital Black's installed.
2. 2x256Gb Samsung 840 SSD's installed.
3. GTX Titan
4. Stock Corsair Black Fan for HDD's
5. One AF140 Fan in the Mid-section just to test the FanExpert3 and the fan itself. I am liking the white Led


Installed Windows 8.1 and Updates, New Drivers etc

And CPU-z at stock


Cinebench R15 @ ???Mhz

1. I need to get a better sticker for the HX1050, this one is not looking nice.
2. I need sleeved cables, thinking which ones now, just plain black maybe, but thats only after I have some money left to spare after this monstrosity.
3. Everything looks empty without the watercooling , cant wait for 'em to come in. M really liking the thoughts of the Feser Silver tubing in this.
4. All the plastic from the components will be taken out after the WC Loop is done with Leak testing.

Next I will start preparing the Rad etc next have tested out the SP120's High Performance and they are like a jet engine at full, throw a ton of air but are loud, and irritating; at about 1200rpm they still throw plenty of air and are quieter then the stock HSF as of now. SO I intend to keep them at 1200Rpm or thereabouts.
Also waiting for the second AF140 to come in.
So the AF140 led fan is to come in today which eBay forgot to send conveniently. I will post the rig pics for far after that is in, really missing that.

Also had sometime to test out the rad with the new Sp120's

I did not like the stock sings at all, only maybe the white would go with my color scheme or none.

So I took the Red and the Blue one out to my garage and colored them to something that might match:



Matt Black

Don't they look much better??

...and a closer look:

And on the 360 radiator :

I am really liking the silver I think it will go really well with the Dominators, or even the black ones look nice.
I will decide on that once I am back, I might be out for a week or so.
I will try and post some full rig shots before then, if eBay delivers the remaining AF140.
Thanks a lot.
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So Now I am back form a drive to Nepal, and just finished driving 700Kms
Thought I was too tried but, I guess I am like a child on Christmas when I have some big boxes of computer parts to open. :) (...going to get a RedBull it would be a long night.)

The following parts have come in:
1. XSPC Raystorm CPU block with Black mounting plates.
2. XSPC Back plate for GTX Titans.
3. BitsPower compression fittings.
4. Feser Silver tubing.
5. Scythe Kaze Master Flat
6. White Led for the XSPC X20 5.25" bay unit.


XSPC Raystorm and the black Alu. Plate:

Comparison with the Stock Mounting plate:

XSPC Raystorm CPU Block:

A closer Look (Horrible Pic, will update asap.):

BitsPower Compression Fittings:

I love their detailing:

.....Thanks a lot for checking it out.
Will post more as I progress. Did a test to see if got everything I need.
Yes so far so good, except that the back plates dont fit the stock HSF of the GTX Titans, as they require the GPU Block of XSPC to be installed and
I really have no intention of putting the Titans under water as I only have one 360mm Radiator. So tomorrow I will try to figure out some mod to get this sorted.

Rest of the build, will post more as I go along, with my issues and stuff.
Starting out the CPU Loop....
The Rad with the fans, I have decided to go all black with the rings
The Pump / Res
The fan controller.
The CPU Block
The Coolant Temp Sensor
The Tubing.

The Drive Bay connections.
Figured this way my LEd will not work as there is no pulse sensor (Yellow wire), for the Led,
Hence the fan controller will not detect any fan on that port, and I really wanted to controll the brightness of the Led, myself via the controller.
Also notice the Coolant Temp Sensor location.

This was my solution to get a Pulse to the fan port on which I intend to have the Led.
Tested this and it works great, just tells me the fan speed of the fan from where I am piggybacking the pulseLed

Also tried the tubing on how it would go arpound the system and just a dry fitting of all the compnents.
Now tomorrow will work on more...
Been a while since i saw some really frontline builds being done with such detailing. Good Job.

Kinda pointless.. but i'll ask anyways.. what's the motivation to have a PC that will cost in excess of 1.5L INR? Gaming alone can't be just it.. this baby is far too well spec'd for just that :)
Been a while since i saw some really frontline builds being done with such detailing. Good Job.

Kinda pointless.. but i'll ask anyways.. what's the motivation to have a PC that will cost in excess of 1.5L INR? Gaming alone can't be just it.. this baby is far too well spec'd for just that :)

1.5L, thats probably only the GPU cost :)...but you answered your question in the first 2 words "Kinda pointless" :p

The above is just a sneak-peak, waiting for some Sleeved cables and some more detailing stuff :)
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1.5L, thats probably only the GPU cost :)...but you answered your question in the first 2 words "Kinda pointless" :p

The above is just a sneak-peak, waiting for some Sleeved cables and some more detailing stuff :)

I was being modest :P but still.. looking forward to the seeing the finished beauty
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I could not take many pics during the building process, I am not good at it I guess, or was just too engrossed in building.
Anyway here are some more shots:





Will post more tomorrow....
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I dont know why the last post is not showing pics:





Note: I have not been able to source the "Correct" screws for the Tiotan Back plates :(.
I have figured out what they are but just the order is taking time tocome in at my local electronics guy.
Hopefully this week sometime those will be in.
Its the LGA 2011-v3, vs the other intel installation :)

I have 2 sets of screws for the raystorm infact, got a spare set,
but thats how they are with this mobo and with the R5E, the "posts" install in the mobo socked and dont go thru like on other boards.
Upgraded the Samsung SSD's from 840's to 850's.
The 840's had one inherent issue which was getting on my nervers, even after both the performance fixes.
(Basically I was unable to record countious in game replays without having the game shudder..somehow the software hated the 840's)
These dont have that issue I already knew before hand so ofcourse its fine now.
Sorry I have not taken pics of those will post them once I do some more upgrades, planned for soon.
Wow! Just WOW! O.O I'm wondering what it would be like playing GTA V on this beast? :D Even with ultra high settings, and a 1080p monitor, I don't think there will be any significant frame rate drops ... :)
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