Project Origin (demo) Cometh Tomorrow

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I never played F.E.A.R.

First, I don't like claustrophobic environments (with horror elements), and second, my first gaming card was 8600 GT in the end of 2007 and by that time there were other, newer shooters to try.

But now, that the game seems to have changed a bit and trailers and demos are looking good, I think I should give it a try. Afterall, combat is superb as far as F.E.A.R. is concerned and the game seems to have a quite a punch.

How many here are excited about F.E.A.R. Project Origin and Why

As for the preview, here is a curtain raiser:

Monolith has been at pains to inject a whole lot more variety in layout and colour into F.E.A.R. 2 and the results are clear to see... Throughout the game colour is used to evoke emotion and to signal heightened states.

...Ahem. Basically, you can expect the easy setting in F.E.A.R. 2 to be comparable in difficulty to the normal setting in the original F.E.A.R. It's going to be quite a challenge on the harder levels.
Of course, the horror component of F.E.A.R. 2 is about more than just visions – you face some gruesome foes: the ethereal Spectres pursue you relentlessly, leaving you wheeling in the darkness. The engine's ability to handle heaps of physics objects and to destroy many elements in the environment also come into play – unseen forces sweep through spaces and down corridors, creating classic horror movie scenes as lockers bang and things shatter and move. The sound design is also quite masterful – the otherworldly aspects rise and fall; at times almost overwhelming, at times completely absent. Harsh, spooky noises and effects cut the air, musical sweeps lay a tense foundation.
The bloodletting is actually very exaggerated – snipe an enemy soldier in the head and a gushing geyser of blood will spray out (a 'meat fountain' if you will), turn a shotgun on an enemy at point blank range and they'll simply explode in a shower of the red stuff. The more impactful gore, however, is linked in with the horror themes – seeing a soldier swept off his feet, bashed against a wall, then the skin torn from his flesh, is quite a gruesome image, while moving through environments with corpses splayed about the place and walls covered in blood sets quite a mood too.
When we first heard about the Elite Powered Armour (EPA) you'd be able to pilot in F.E.A.R. 2 we were a little skeptical. We were worried that this was just another bullet point for the back of the box and that it wouldn't feel like it fit in. We were wrong – this thing is bad-ass! The section we played through had us stomping down rubble strewn city streets, mowing down enemy soldiers with ease, thanks to insanely powerful chainguns and shoulder mounted rocket launchers.
IGN: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Preview

Gameplay on PS3: YouTube - F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin PS3 Demo Pt. 3
The last 2 installments were pretty crappy. So i don't have many expectations from the game........Besides it's on both the consoles so the game will be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator i.e. young players :|
Blade_Runner said:
The last 2 installments were pretty crappy. So i don't have many expectations from the game........Besides it's on both the consoles so the game will be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator i.e. young players :|

well the last 2 weren't made by monolith, who have a fairly solid track record of fps games and they made the first fear game as well. i don't think that you need to be worried about the sequels impacting this game. now the fact that it's a multiplatform console game could be an issue... guess we'll find out tomorrow.
The last two installments were made by some junk studios not monolith. The latter is the master of 1st person horror. They can manage to make just about anything scary :P.
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