ps3 120 or 320 GB


So I am picking up a PS3, i need to know which one, 320 or 120 GB i know 200 GIGS extra is nice but most of my d/l content sits on the NAS or the WD LIVE TV hub, what else can i use the hdd for ?
120GB should be sufficient for game demos and PSN games. But if you plan on copying HD video content, then it might fall short.
@Ethan_hunt - All my movies / TV shows videos etc will be on the NAS or the WD LIVE TV HUB. What else is the HDD used for ? Saving games i guess. The price diff is only Rs 2000 from what i can gather online.
Some games (not all) require game data to be installed on the HDD. They can go from as low as 300MB to as high as 4GB. You can also store game demos and PSN games, which shouldn't be more than 2-3GB tops. DLC content can be added as well. So a 120GB HDD should suffice you, unless you plan to install the above in massive quantity.
The NAS should be fine for your data. Get the 120GB system. Even after installing a few games, there is so much space left on my 320GB disk. Best save those 2k and use them to get the Move accessory.
wats harm in getting 320gb. go get it and forget about hdd space and all. why keep yourself in hassle of hdd. with 320gb u will never need to think about it. its purely better choice. Get move bundle its best.
Thanks for the info. I have a few querry...

If there is provision for changing/upgrading the hdd, is it necessary to go for 320GB PS3? Does the performance of console, tuned to the HDD attached (120/320)?
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