PS3 hate now takes musical form

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Who cares about that. The song is pretty catchy and it rhymes.

The only thing I don't agree with him about his rant is the one about Sony live which I've heard is actually pretty good with dedicated servers for resistance and such.
xfactor! Get back to posting threads in this forum or this forum will have to endure more threads of this nature from me.:P
Not the official video.. says in the comments that the mixer of the video was someone else than the song spoofer... but it certainly fits in well.

The original song is "How to save a life" (from the album of the same name) by "The Fray". You can hear a sample at Amazon.
Yeah, like I mentioned in my title post but I'd like to live not knowing what the original was or like. Most likely involves the lead singer pining over some hotty that he doesn't have the guts to approach so he instead gets all angsty and whines during the whole song. Yeah...I think i'll stick with this version.
No. He doesn't sing about a hottie...

But like all songs, he does whine.

Then again, the guy in the spoof whines too.
Aah..but consoles and women are entirely different things. At least with consoles, you can rectify their problems.
Considering I've never been in an actual relationship(only the ocassional crushes), I would have to say no. Maybe it was just my misogynism talking.
lmao hahah this song was soo hilarious!!

well i searched online and no lyrics out for it yet so i sat down and made them....

now u can sing along too :D :D :D

Step one you make your console cost the most

You beat your chest and proudly boast

Despite its no good and exclusive games

Make a bunch of ridiculous claims

Then ignore our need to play online, don’t make it fun like xbox live.

Use blue ray which I don’t need.

Now getting your ass kicked by the wii


Sony you went wrong with your ps3 ill just keep playing my 360.

Hope this song has helped you understand well you know how you killed your brand….

Phil Harrison you know best accept you didn’t pay the test.. sure I can surf the net but I cant find my gaming friends…

Said halo 3 don’t worry you..

instead you offer killzone 2 but killzone 1 sucked before so what made you think we wanted more..


Sony you went wrong with your ps3 ill just keep playing my 360.

Hope this song has helped you understand well you know how you killed your brand….

At Playstation what we have done successfully over the last 12-13 years

is to … umm…. umm… um we are gonna do some things a little differently um.. um.. um. umm... I don’t have any comment to make .

x2 Chorus:

Sony you went wrong with your ps3 ill just keep playing my 360.

Hope this song has helped you understand well you know how you killed your brand….

Ya phil one question real quick..

a lot of players say they wanna be able to play online without jumping through a bunch of hoops

do have any plans to make the playstation 3

not suck as much when you go to play someone else online?

we know thats a compelling features for umm… certain players in

certain segments of the audience umm…

but as to specific plans or features um..

I don’t have any comment to make.

Lyrics typed out here by me
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This song has been stuck in my head for the past few days.

Rivunited, those are pretty much the lyrics. Good work.
Well, it was inevitable I suppose. Looks like someone has gone and made a response to the PS3 song. Unfortunately I can't post it since it includes nothing but the guy swearing the same inane trash at Ninty and MS for a whole few minutes. I think it's supposed to be a rap song.:P
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