PS3 in pune!

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hey guys...

well was just wondering from where can i get PS3 in pune... and also wanted to ask whether i shud get it from here or mumbai? do i get ne free games with it... thats all..

all inputs will be appreciated..

thnx :)
Get the PS3-GT5 Prologue combo pack which's retailing now; [Many TE members've bought the same]

The price should be around 23.5~25k. :)
well.. i'll surely get the one wid the free game... but the question is... from where?? :ashamed:

sony world doesn't have it in stock... :@
chroma Aundh too :) else tell them to source it :)

try landmark, planet M MG too .

Also, Maharashtra Stores in MG Road. Also at a couple of other shops there on MG too :)
try hometown on nagar road. I saw it there last month.

Also there are many sonyworlds around pune. Where did u try?
Don't tell me you went to the kondhwa one.
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