PS3 pics

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Thanks for the link. The boxart and the ps3 itself looks sleek enough, I could almost touch it through this screen :P
^^ no ways dude. the orig ps2/ps1 controller is how it should be. no need to design a new 1. xbox & 360 controllers both are pretty much crap just like nintendo gcube & n64.

No more PS3 PICs....... give REAL stuff.
stormblast said:
^^ no ways dude. the orig ps2/ps1 controller is how it should be. no need to design a new 1. xbox & 360 controllers both are pretty much crap just like nintendo gcube & n64.

maybe .... but personally i don't like that controller ..... :)
^^ there are obviously some exceptions. but 70-80% of the population will agree with me. the ps controller is best design for comform & to access the buttons including the analog. other controllers analog & button place is just weird. dont know what those actually do when designing the controller.
stormblast said:
^^ there are obviously some exceptions. but 70-80% of the population will agree with me. the ps controller is best design for comform & to access the buttons including the analog. other controllers analog & button place is just weird.
True, dualshock2 is the best gamepad ever. Completely contemporary design.
Wow! Four 60 GB PS3's. Too bad he bought every damn game along with it too. Also, he has yet to post any pics of the thing in action.

More links with pics:-
Some RR7, Genji pics, retail version - PS3Forums

Rahul said:
.... but personally i don't like that controller .....

Same here. The dual shock2 is my least favourite of all the gamepads. Firstly, the thing is freakin small. When I place my thumbs on the analog sticks, they go right over them leaving me to control the sticks using the inner edge of my thumb(under the knuckles).

Also Sony seems oblivious to how gaming has changed over the years and maintains that the d-pad should retain the primary slot for movment even though the left analog stick has established itself as the primary form of movement in games. This is made incrementally worse by the fact that certain devs force you to use the d-pad in games which again is made exponentially worse by the fact that the d-pad is a four button pad and not a 8 button pad like the x360's making it harder to perform rotational movements.
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