PS3 Secrets Revealed

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PS3 Secrets Revealed

New information, apparently revealed by top secret Playstation Magazine Sony insiders, claims that the new console will not be compatible with memory cards, will not use the HDD for games, will use the PSP as a remote and much more.

According to the September issue of the magazine, these PS3 secrets come from highly reliable sources and we have no reason to doubt them.

No Memory Cards
PS3 will not support the memory cards used by PS1 and PS2, the console instead will use the memory stick duo cards. When playing PS1 or PS2 games on PS3, players will be able to save their progress on the new format but their saves from their previous consoles will be useless.

No Old Peripherals
There will be no official support for PS1 and PS2 peripherals on PS3 although some form of USB adaptor is very likely to surface soon after the console is released.

HDD Not Gaming Related
According to PSM information the HDD which is expected to become available for PS3 is expected to be around 80 GB in capacity and will only be used as storage for content delivered to the console and not for any gaming related purpose. Content stored on the device will be shared throughout the home using Playstation 3s networking capabilities.

PSP As A Remote
Using WiFi, the PSP will be able to access the PS3 (even if on StandBy) and control the media stored in it or the console itself.

Sony TiVo?
PS3 is expected to receive a USB video add-on device that should enable the recording of TV programming onto the HDD. Sony claims that gamers will be able to download content remotely from their PS3 when away, making it possible to access a recorded TV show via the Internet through your PSP. This will, obviously, raise some security concerns but this is the age that we live in and Sony appears to be embracing it.

Quality Or Speed?
PS3, it is rumored, will introduce PC functionality to its games. Players will have the choice of reducing quality in order to achieve better performance. As it stands, Sony is leaving the door open for developers to offer players the ability to make their games run faster and smoother by using lower resolutions like 480p(progressive) or 480i(the standard regular TVs use). This would seem to suggest that Sony is thinking of the large majority of those who will not possess an HDTV when the console launches. It is not clear why developers would make a game which would not be able to run smoothly on PS3, at full resolution and settings, since there are no rumors of different PS3 models with various hardware specs but things are bound to clear up soon.

Specs Are Still Fluid
Although Sony turned a few heads at E3 2005 with its announced PS3 specs, developers are claiming that Sony is still improving the specs with more system memory and other low-level upgrades.

That quality and speed thing sucks ! now consoles and PC's are closing in on the gaps :P ! I mean this reducing IQ to get better performance was PC -only domain, i wud hate it if consoles started doing the same.
Still, I think the PS3 will make a superb buy ! Wow ! PSP as a remote, this is great for PSP owners...

Also the Memory Stick idea is good, as gamers can carry saved files around, but a HDD backup option could have been provided...
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