PS3 Slim won't run PS2 discs

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Nor let you install Linux
Well, few PS3 owners have many PS2 discs laying around but the news of PS3 Slim not supporting them is still a bit strange. Furthermore, the „new and improved“ console lacks Linux support, as Sony is trying to „standardize“ their OS.

SCEA's director of marketing John Koller said how the company is three years „into the lifecycle of the PS3“ and that there as much as 80 or 90 percent of users who buy their PS3 for the PS3 disc-based games.

He added how the rest of the users are mostly those who haven't used their PS2 for a little while and who are now ready for the PS3. We guess mister Koller expects them to use their library of PS2 discs, which they didn't get for free mind you, to prop the door open on windy days.

Additionally, the PS3 Slim won't let you install Linux as the company is pushing for standardization of their OS. He added how those who want to change the OS can always buy the previous model and use whatever OS they like. What a nice chap, we would've never thought of it ourselves.

Fudzilla - PS3 Slim won't run PS2 discs
Why TH can't they have backward compatibility. Whats the problem ?
I think they want PS3 to gain the popularity which their trump card PS2 has gained.
raksrules said:
Why TH can't they have backward compatibility. Whats the problem ?
I think they want PS3 to gain the popularity which their trump card PS2 has gained.

I guess pirated ps2 discs....btw does pirated ps2 disc runs on normal ps3???
I Wonder if this thread was even necessary..

Its not as if the fat ps3 were running with the Backward Compatibility feature.

Ever since Sony stopped the BC thing, it has been out of the scene.

Gamers been ranting abt the absence of the BC, but Sony made it very clear Long Time back that the feature is not on their minds.

So really, this thread really wasnt necessary.

All it ll fuel is endless discussion, Y NOT, WHEN, .. the answers to which are not going to be arrived at anyhow.

In india, most people have a modded ps2. So even if the slim was backward compatible, the pirated discs wouldn't work.
Wow, a new thread on this! Nice. I'd my say on this already:

Gannu said:
And yeah regarding the removal of backward compatibility on the newer PS3 - I guess someone who buys a PS3 intends to run PS3 games on it and not the games based on a previous generation console with toned-down graphics least to say. I've seen in person how games on the PS2 look on a big display so I can comment on that aspect.

Sony might have plans to put up the games on the PSN so that someone who's missed out on the previous versions of the MGS and the GOW series could download it to the console hard drive and play it off the drive. Makes sense to me.

rahul2003 said:
Sad, now had to sell all my ps2 discs. They want ps2 to be killed.

Seriously, tell me if you'd even play those PS2 games on the PS3 which would probably be hooked to a big display. PS2 games are ideally played on a CRT display unlike the high-end consoles which demand a huge-ass LCD/PDP.
^The only 'more' feature on the phat is PS1 backward compatibility + Linux OS addon. That's it!
vb86 said:
the ps3 slim bitstreams Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD MA while phat doesnt.

does it,i taught it only outputs LPCM.

edit : i guess it does bitstream,one more + for the slim camp.:P
And adding to the compatibility issue - only some models viz. the 20 GB, 60 GB, and CECHExx 80 GB models had backward compatibility to the PS2. The rest including the 2 80gig models sold till date CECHKxx & CECHLxx, and the 160GB model CECHPxx did not have the PS2 backward compatibility. The Emotion Engine chip was stripped out of these models which had enabled backward compatibility.

Besides the new slim PS3 cannot play SACDs if someone missed out that point! -1 there adder, but wth I support both the camps! :P
Gannu said:
Besides the new slim PS3 cannot play SACDs if someone missed out that point! -1 there adder, but wth I support both the camps! :P

but the ps3 fat CECHKxx & CECHLxx also can't play SACD.
lol i too also like the fat one,but at this point i favour the the slim it has better features like bitstream of DTS HD MA and lower power consumption,provided they don't jack up the price in india.
^About the SACD playback I was being specific on the newer ones. The 80GB CECHExx however did! Pricing in India is 19,990 for the 120GB slim. Isn't that confirmed already?
adder said:
but the ps3 fat CECHKxx & CECHLxx also can't play SACD.
lol i too also like the fat one,but at this point i favour the the slim it has better features like bitstream of DTS HD MA and lower power consumption,provided they don't jack up the price in india.

Bitstreaming of high-def audio codecs is no different from LPCM, and you know it! Unless you want the fancy DTS-HD MA LED to light up on your receiver, of course.
m-jeri said:

Never mind so long as the discussion sticks to PS3!

Pass. . .

For the uninitiated, the PS3 can run the Folding@Home client. Here's more on it:
Along with thousands of PCs already joined over the Internet, PS3 owners are able to lend the computing power of their game systems to the study of improper protein folding and associated diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, cystic fibrosis, and several forms of cancer. The software was included as part of the 1.6 firmware update (March 22, 2007), and can be set to run manually or automatically when the PS3 is idle through the Cross Media Bar. The processed information is then sent back to project's central servers over the Internet. Processing power from PS3 users is greatly contributing to the Folding@home project, and PS3s have overtaken all other participating operating systems in teraflops contributed.

PlayStation 3 cluster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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