Ps4/PS Vita- jailbreak discussion thread

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Howdy folks!

Looks like the lord has finally heeded to our pleas. A legit ps4 hack is upon us.

Also, Cobra, the infamous hacker group, has released a device/dongle which plays vita games over some underground p2p network. Looks like the coming days have some exciting things/news in store for us.

Also, do you guys think jailbreaking has a positive impact on the sales in the South East Asia region? If yes, why are the conpanies so hellbent on plugging the gaps?

I had to read the title of the thread twice to confirm what i was reading :walkingdead:

How many expect Sony to be behind the detail leaks to move the console more swiftly?
I had to read the title of the thread twice to confirm what i was reading :walkingdead:

How many expect Sony to be behind the detail leaks to move the console more swiftly?

This actually might be the case. The console sales soared in the pre- ps3 era due to the wide availability of warez software only!
I bought an PSvita from dubai, got bored due to less games and high cost of apps and sold it. Bought an PSP and never looked back :)
Maybe, you'll regret your decision now?

There already is a hack which allows you to play PSP titles/homebrew on the vita!
Why do you care whether they are hell bent on plugging the gaps? Why do you even care about PS4. You said its lunacy to spend money on games when it can be spent for more meaningful purpose. So why don't you think that spending money on a PS4 is lunacy?

So lets see, you say that religious institutes should not be taxed so that sentiments are not hurt. You say that people who earn should just give it all away for the poor. You say that nobody should have a problem with free basics even if it ruins the internet. You want tax money to be spent on benefits for those who don't deserve it.

But here you are jubliant about being able to mod a PS4. You don't mind getting a PS4 for 40k because you would be put in jail if you try to steal it. But when it comes to buying games, you throw that developing country, money can be put to better use nonsense to justify pirating it. Why don't you stick to cheaper pc games if you are so concerned. You are even evading the indirect taxes that you would normally be paying when you buy a game legitimately and you think you are qualified to talk about how taxes should be used.

Sorry, a hypocritic maggot like you doesn't deserve to debate about how others should be using their money. So do everyone a favor and keep your buffoonery away from the discussions where it does not belong and stick to discussions like these.

Sorry about the OT
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Why do you care whether they are hell bent on plugging the gaps? Why do you even care about PS4. You said its lunacy to spend money on games when it can be spent for more meaningful purpose. So why don't you think that spending money on a PS4 is lunacy?

So lets see, you say that religious institutes should not be taxed so that sentiments are not hurt. You say that people who earn should just give it all away for the poor. You say that nobody should have a problem with free basics even if it ruins the internet. You want tax money to be spent on benefits for those who don't deserve it.

But here you are jubliant about being able to mod a PS4. You don't mind getting a PS4 for 40k because you would be put in jail if you try to steal it. But when it comes to buying games, you throw that developing country, money can be put to better use nonsense to justify pirating it. Why don't you stick to cheaper pc games if you are so concerned. You are even evading the indirect taxes that you would normally be paying when you buy a game legitimately and you think you are qualified to talk about how taxes should be used.

Sorry, a hypocritic maggot like you doesn't deserve to debate about how others should be using their money. So do everyone a favor and keep your buffoonery away from the discussions where it does not belong and stick to discussions like these.

Sorry about the OT

I am excited because thousands of sane(morally, mentally, and economically) people of the subcontinent would finally be able to play games yet save thousands, unlike you, and use the saved money somewhere else. It is a matter of simple mathematics that one time investment of 20-25k without future investments on software is way better than spwwing out 3k almost every month for 4-5 years till the hardware becomes obsolete. Then, you finally sell all of that online. lol! So that's a very prudent way of so called spending your "hard" earned money?

I am not pro piracy. But, if the companies don't think of us while pricing their products, why should we think of them while buying. And, my sentiments are pretty evident. Just see the rise in the sale of ps4 units in India once the hack becomes public. Also, why do you think the vita bombed?

Damn! Thank god you are not in the financial investment field. Looking at the trend of your purchases, i can safely say that you would reduce a wealthy man to a pauper in no time!
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Stop that self patronizing drivel please. Its not even funny. See, the point is not even your piracy, but the way you are trying to glorify yourself for doing it. You make it sound as if you are doing the country a favor by pirating. Piracy is piracy whether you do it to save your money or whether its because some software is not available in your market. They are only reasons. There are no valid justifications.

Your arguments are no different than that Nirbhaya convict who justified their crime by saying that they were teaching that poor girl a lesson about Indian values and the role of woman in society. Such a great service they are doing for the nation, is it not?

Even a thief can have integrity. Even if they steal, they know that they are stealing and won't try to sugar coat it as something else, but people like you have no integrity or morals. You would steal from a shop if you are sure you wont be caught ( I wouldn't even be surprised if you were doing that already) and you would justify that as well with how you are saving money for a better cause. (As if anybody is expected to believe you would use that money for some high and mighty "better cause" as you say). You would even justify rape or murder as well with that sort of self glorifying justifications. You just have the same kind of mindset as that convict and sadly you are not alone to be like that in this country.

If you really care so much about using every last bit of your money for better causes as you put it, why do you even spend 40k on a PS4. Spend it for that better causes that you are talking about? You don't pay taxes (would have some self glorifying justification for that as well) if you can help it and save every last bit of your money for yourself though every means possible, but have an immense sense of entitlement to dictate how others are obligated to spend their money for you or somebody else.

Hypocritical maggots like you just keep leeching off the nation without doing a damn thing yourself and feel entitled to dictate what others should do. People like you are the reason this country is shackled into being a piss hole for eternity

As I said before, keep your buffoonery away from threads where you are not qualified to talk and stick to threads like these where you can go gaga over getting a PS4 hack.
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Good God, why go to all the trouble of wasting electricity and data on downloading games some of which are well over 30 Gb;s ?
Older Ps4 games(media version, not digital) are now available quite cheaply starting at around 800-900 rupees .

And you can always sell them when you are bored of them.You will recover 50% of your investment...
where do you find PS4 games in 800~900 range? Normally only PS3 titles retail at that range[DOUBLEPOST=1458305474][/DOUBLEPOST]Even if you buy a physical disk, you'd have to download day one patches which maybe more than 4~5 Gb for new gen titles
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