PSP 3000 or 2000?

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I am confused between PSP2004 and PSP3004 . Please mention the Pros and Cons of each model. Few are mentioned :-
PSP 3004
- I will get sony india warranty for a little more money. What are the problems associated with PSP and wht abt the failure rates??

-Hows the chicken mod (read that its not permanent) .

-hows the new screen and battery backup??

-Application compatibility and playback of backup games from iso's

-can ta0889v3 psp-04 can also be used with custom firmware
1. Failure is unheard of at least i haven't

2.Chicken Mod is easy safe and stress free and no its not permanent if ur battery dies or u turn it off [ something similar to shutdown vs an hibernate] then all u have to do is reinstall which is easy case the files are already on the PSP.

3.Screen [Brightness] 2 me looks better but not by that much on the other hand color reproduction is way better than 1000 and little better than the 2000.

4.Apps aren't in pleanty for the 3000 but time shud fix that

5.From wat i heard no but that wud have changed .
Chicken mod is still in early days, only 2-3 months.
The previous hacks of Dark Alex are much better and stable.
While Nash has correctly pointed out the better screen and colour reproduction, I think these can be sacrificed for more stability and sureness that your mod will stay even if the unit is completely shut down.
My vote goes for 2XXX.
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