Psp - 3000

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#1 Complaints about the PSP-3000 screen's interlacing issues pile up at the PlayStation US forums, all Sony had to say was that they were "looking into it."

While everyone's waiting for further developments from Sony U.S., the folks at Engadget have gotten word from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. The SCEJ representative that contacted them, in Engadget's words, noted that:

the interlacing-like lines are just "features" of the new LCD, and currently, there are no plans to fix it with a future software update since it is in the hardware.

They're... what? Features? Not a very keen feature, if that's the case. Nevertheless, a serious question is now posed: are you willing to put up with scanlines on your screen for Pandora glory care of DAX and the TA-090? Buying a PSP-3000 now requires serious thinking, it seems.

source: PSP-3000 interlacing issues are "features", won't be fixed - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates

Some pretty distressing news on the Sony handheld front: We've gotten wind of reports that the new PSP-3000 handhelds have some interlacing issues. Some scanlines not seen on the Slim have also been spotted on the PSP-3000's screen.

#2 Some members on the U.S. PlayStation forums have said that the interlacing issues become really noticeable when fast-moving objects are on-screen.


PSP-3000 has interlacing issues, visible scanlines? - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
^ everything is true.the psp 3k is crap.the screen is certainly good in clarity but these interlacing sh1t is bad.i've personally seen it and dropped the idea of getting one and bought a psp 2k for my cousin.

If anyone is looking to get one-i'd suggest waiting till this interlacing issue is the matte finish looks quality is poor.
Holy shit! If you guys hadn't posted it, I would have. Some of the screenies I've seen were truly mind boggling. The only way Sony could've screwed up this badly is if their dev team were blind.
That doesn't explain poor body quality :P
If you check it yourself ,you'll know what i'm saying.
Everything looks cheap.but not the price-which is more than 9k
PSP Brite's Interlacing issue is Hardware Based


The guys at French site Logic-Sunrise wanted to investigate the PSP-3000's "scanline feature" and, quite literally, put it under a microscope. As seen in the pics above (they're 40x magnified under the microscope), the LCD pixels on the PSP's screen, prove two things:

1. the PSP-3000's blue pixels are darker than the Slim's; since they're darker, the dark scanlines are more prominent

2. the PSP-3000's pixels are arranged horizontally (hence the horizontal scanlines) as opposed to the Slim's pixels, which are arranged vertically And what's their conclusion after this finding? Quite simply, that the "feature" is 100% hardware-based (because that's how the LCD screen was really built), just like the SCEJ rep previously said.

Hmm, if Sony's decided to cease PSP Slim production, they might be in for rough times.

source: Here's your proof: PSP-3000 interlacing scanline features are really hardware-based - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
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I'm equally inclined towards both. I'll personally wait for the Black PSP 3000 one and now till the interlacing is resolved.CFW is yet another chapter, Though I am least bothered about it.

But who desperatly wants to buy can go for PSP 2000, as with it one can enjoy CFW, and no interlace in screen.
heh :P Its a good thing i went with the PSP 2000 :)

I've got tiny scanlines on my K750 now, and they're irritating. I can only imagine how bad it can be on such a big screen :P
can someone explain what these scanlines are and an image of it actually affecting a game? i'm way too lazy to look for myself

PSP 3000 Hacked by Datel

Could it be? Could the PSP 3000 be finally and truly hacked? MaxConsole answers that to the affirmative, describing Sony's (previously) impenetrable security fortress for the newest PSP model to be "now perfectly hackable".

The breakthrough was made by Datel (*gasp*), thanks to their newest tool battery that will put the PSP 3K into service mode. Okay, what does this exactly do? According to their post, service mode allows you to downgrade your PSP for you to do whatever you may want to do with it, basically.

So. Here's the deal. In order for you to enable the service mode on your PSP 2K and 3K models, you'll need Datel's new crypto processor based battery called the Lite blue Tool battery.


*Advert flash* But wait! There's more! It comes with toggle options between a service mode and normal mode, as well as a built in LED power gauge feature! Datel's Lite Blue Tool comes to your nearest store on November 28th for a mere US$ 19.99 (UK) and US$ 29.99 (NA).

Great! Security down, scan lines to go.

Source: PSP 3000 hacked. By Datel. - PS3 News, Wii News, Xbox 360 News, PSP News and more!
Alek skeptical about Datel's hack:

47Shailesh said:

Could it be? Could the PSP 3000 be finally and truly hacked? MaxConsole answers that to the affirmative, describing Sony's (previously) impenetrable security fortress for the newest PSP model to be "now perfectly hackable".

The breakthrough was made by Datel (*gasp*), thanks to their newest tool battery that will put the PSP 3K into service mode. Okay, what does this exactly do? According to their post, service mode allows you to downgrade your PSP for you to do whatever you may want to do with it, basically.

So. Here's the deal. In order for you to enable the service mode on your PSP 2K and 3K models, you'll need Datel's new crypto processor based battery called the Lite blue Tool battery.


*Advert flash* But wait! There's more! It comes with toggle options between a service mode and normal mode, as well as a built in LED power gauge feature! Datel's Lite Blue Tool comes to your nearest store on November 28th for a mere US$ 19.99 (UK) and US$ 29.99 (NA).

Great! Security down, scan lines to go.

Source: PSP 3000 hacked. By Datel. - PS3 News, Wii News, Xbox 360 News, PSP News and more!

Alek from Dark_Alex forum speaks on Datel's upcoming;

No doubt that word on Datel's uh-mazing "hack" on the PSP 3000 with their for-sale battery has quickly spread like wildfire across the internet. But amidst the trepidation and controlled excitement, most of us eagerly await what guys in the know say about this.

We've got a statement right here, from Alek of the Dark_AleX forums, and he's obviously not gonna go into a mad rush to buy one of those things. Here's why:

You might have seen a new Battery that has come into the market, as always with a price and with a good advertising program...

Well, this post is just to answer some mails that i've recieved.

1. To have a LED indicator ON, doesn't means that you can install cfw or hack anything. Remember 088v3 mobos? Right.

2. It's spreading like a timebomb that it can be hacked and so on. Well, what any user can see is an interesting campaign to promote an article that is not yet released. It would be interesting to see.. how about an old "hello world" like on Noobz time, instead of a "buy today" call?

3. Just to remember all this things up, LED indicator ON and nothing on screen means directly what Dark_AleX explained here about the preIPL.

Would be an interesting step, indeed, in case that the protection on 3k would be sort of a signal encryption or a change of protocol instead of just a change of the battery pin communication system; so, until more proofs come into play, i would not definetly go in a rush to buy it xD.

Source: Alek of DA Forums skeptical of Datel hack - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
if dark_alex says it's bogus, then it's is bogus. plain and simple. the man is the god of the psp homebrew scene and he's calling them out on it.
Rumor: Imagination Technologies working on graphics processor for new PSP?

There's nothing official yet, but word has it that Sony has enlisted the help of Imagination Technologies Group, a graphics processor core company, to work on another refresh for the PlayStation Portable.

This rumor comes after Imagination's announcement earlier this week that they've signed a license agreement with an unnamed major consumer electronics company. reports that some sources have pegged the unnamed company as Sony.

If Imagination and Sony really are working together, the former's contribution is expected to come in the form of their new SGX55x graphics core. Now I'm not really familiar with these cores, but a PSP with even better graphics definitely sounds good. Throw in an extra analog nub, Sony, and you've already got one customer right here.
47Shailesh said:
Rumor: Imagination Technologies working on graphics processor for new PSP?

There's nothing official yet, but word has it that Sony has enlisted the help of Imagination Technologies Group, a graphics processor core company, to work on another refresh for the PlayStation Portable.

This rumor comes after Imagination's announcement earlier this week that they've signed a license agreement with an unnamed major consumer electronics company. reports that some sources have pegged the unnamed company as Sony.

If Imagination and Sony really are working together, the former's contribution is expected to come in the form of their new SGX55x graphics core. Now I'm not really familiar with these cores, but a PSP with even better graphics definitely sounds good. Throw in an extra analog nub, Sony, and you've already got one customer right here.

Sony comments on PSP 2 speculation

The rumor that Sony licensed a processor for the PSP's successor got a lot of people buzzing.

Not Sony though, nuh-uh. Sony's tight-lipped as ever, and predictably refuses to comment on "rumour and speculation."

Probably too busy on making that new PSP? Kidding. Or am I? Hmmm....

In case you missed the news, the rumor slipped out of the mill yesterday, when word got out that the Imagination Technologies Group has signed a license agreement with a new partner. Sources said the new partner was Sony, who licensed a new processor for the PSP 2, the successor of the current gen.

Probably part of why the rumor got so popular is because the iPhone also runs on Imagination's tech. The iPhone's been making waves in the gaming industry lately, trying to get a piece of the gaming pie. Naturally people would perk up their ears if Sony's trying to get a piece of the Apple pie. (You've just been PUNd.)
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