#1 Complaints about the PSP-3000 screen's interlacing issues pile up at the PlayStation US forums, all Sony had to say was that they were "looking into it."
While everyone's waiting for further developments from Sony U.S., the folks at Engadget have gotten word from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. The SCEJ representative that contacted them, in Engadget's words, noted that:
the interlacing-like lines are just "features" of the new LCD, and currently, there are no plans to fix it with a future software update since it is in the hardware.
They're... what? Features? Not a very keen feature, if that's the case. Nevertheless, a serious question is now posed: are you willing to put up with scanlines on your screen for Pandora glory care of DAX and the TA-090? Buying a PSP-3000 now requires serious thinking, it seems.
source: PSP-3000 interlacing issues are "features", won't be fixed - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
Some pretty distressing news on the Sony handheld front: We've gotten wind of reports that the new PSP-3000 handhelds have some interlacing issues. Some scanlines not seen on the Slim have also been spotted on the PSP-3000's screen.
#2 Some members on the U.S. PlayStation forums have said that the interlacing issues become really noticeable when fast-moving objects are on-screen.
PSP-3000 has interlacing issues, visible scanlines? - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
While everyone's waiting for further developments from Sony U.S., the folks at Engadget have gotten word from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. The SCEJ representative that contacted them, in Engadget's words, noted that:
the interlacing-like lines are just "features" of the new LCD, and currently, there are no plans to fix it with a future software update since it is in the hardware.
They're... what? Features? Not a very keen feature, if that's the case. Nevertheless, a serious question is now posed: are you willing to put up with scanlines on your screen for Pandora glory care of DAX and the TA-090? Buying a PSP-3000 now requires serious thinking, it seems.
source: PSP-3000 interlacing issues are "features", won't be fixed - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates
Some pretty distressing news on the Sony handheld front: We've gotten wind of reports that the new PSP-3000 handhelds have some interlacing issues. Some scanlines not seen on the Slim have also been spotted on the PSP-3000's screen.
#2 Some members on the U.S. PlayStation forums have said that the interlacing issues become really noticeable when fast-moving objects are on-screen.
PSP-3000 has interlacing issues, visible scanlines? - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates