Psp buttons stopped working

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buttons are not working will that be possible....frnd has a pandora battery will try that sure...but doubtfull abt it to work without buttons working...or is it frm recovery menu??
oo thats really sad..i mean no button working then how can you downgrade of change fw :S .... Also me now afraid to put CF 5.00 on my psp :(
lets c i had wet fingers and so waiting for atleast 24 hours to check bak now becoz on yahoo also someone faced same problem and once the stuff dried up totally it worked....

else will give it to frnd for pandora works in recovery menu and so i dont think will face probs their as in recovery menu buttons work fine
okk finally problem solved....

it was firmware issue pandora battery of my frnd helped

will go bak to stable firmware 3.52 m33 -4 now
HI i have just joined and really need some help my m8s PSP buttons all dont work except in recovery mode i need quick solutions PLEASE
have pm the guy if he disable vsh menu in recovery it will work has something to do with it...still i face same problem.....but disabling the same in recovery let it work
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